Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Love it, Sheri! The way you did the eyes on the squidlets always makes me smile, I love their expressions.
Icy - mine are the first pair! Yours are gorgeous, I think you got some of my favourites! Your purple/blue pair and the green pair are amazing. Are they #7 and 10?

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Hanadama & Icy - love both of your pairs! The colors are just amazing and looking forward for Jac to make more pairs. I saw hi had keshi pairs listed earlier and wonder if people grabbed those. I didn't simply because I don't wear studs but they looked awesome.

Sheri - LUV the squidlet and LUV everything about the picture! The way the sun is shining through on the upper left corner, the hair color against the leafy green background, the way squidlet is smiling at us. :)

MSC & Battah - if you like vintage chains, if you are ever in NYC, check this place out: CJS Supplies - they specialize in closed out vintage items and I know Lulu Frost source a lot of their awesome vintage chains from that place. Sadly I can't get myself in since they ONLY sale wholesale, otherwise I'd have a field day in there. I'm dying to get my hands on some of these vintage chains!!!
Sheri, your squidlets are so very adorable; full of personality! Is yours a Sea of Cortez pearl head? What kind of cord/chain is he on? It's perfect :)
I just love this thread. Thanks for all the pretty pics, ladies.

I took my puffy coin pearl out to dinner. I wear it constantly because it goes well with casual clothes and is wildly iridescent. I can't quite capture it here. I can't believe how little this pearl cost, considering how gorgeous it is in real life. :)

Puffy coin pearl ring
Puffy coin pearl ring side view
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Gorgeous new pearls Ckrickett!

Sea Urchin - your ring is stunning!

I'm wearing peacock drops set in yellow gold. These are also from Jac, findings from Rio.

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Hanadama, your Tahitian drops are gorgeous, but the findings are adorable with those pearls!
Cathy, that's a pistachio Tahitian in squidlet's head, about 12mm, and he's hanging on a cord I picked up at a little shop in Barcelona - a very fine coating of metal thread over a flexible interior...Very versatile, as it goes perfectly with bronze, rose gold, etc. Havent run across one like it elsewhere...

Ckrickett, the earrings look great on you - I knew they would!!!

Urchin, your puffy ring is gorgeous, and hanadama, those Tahitian drops are exquisite - perfect setting for that size/shape!

Lovely to start the day with a big dose of beauty...
wore my little squid let and my GSSP studs today
Wearing Squidlet from Sheri Jurnecka and Gold South Sea earrings

I also finished this little piece today. I wanted to keep it but my husband said I can't (he is the logic in our group)
a little 14t gold and SoC keshi bar necklace
Sea of Cortez Bar Necklace
A necklace designed/made by Hisano for me several years ago. The green overtones aren't showing in this picture. but in real life they glow green around the edges. I just love these pearls ;)

necklace designed/made by Hisano Shepherd
Thank you Cricket. So sorry to hear you won't be at the ruckus this year. Feel better and there is always next year ;)