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Tahitians with aquas for me today ;)

Tahitians with aquas
Pearl dreams - i love the Tahitian, enhancer and tourmaline beads together.

Battah - I agree, the pondslimes look lovely with your top!

Newberry - goegeous, gorgeous Tahitians!!

Tahitian studs for me today.

Tahitian studs

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Beautiful studs hanadama. The colour looks aubergine. May I ask where you got them from?
Thanks, ladies! Newberry I love that color combo! The aquas really bring out the silvery luster.

Hanadama, gorgeous colors! Aubergine Tahitians are my favorite. Edited to add - did Jac do the earrings for you, or did you have them set locally/DIY? I have challenging metal sensitivities with earrings, so I have to use hard-to-find findings but would love to sort out some studs.
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Hanadama interesting. I didn't realize he had circled aubergines. They do look lovely!

Octo is too cute for words
Hi battah - no I set them myself using findings and 2 part epoxy from Rio Grande. It's actually very easy to do and Rio even have a video tutorial available.

Kalmen - they were from his 10-11mm multicolour matched pairs which sold out v quickly. They weren't specifically marketed as aubergine!
You know I have a thing for tahitians and aqua....this is gorgeous. Can you give a close up of the beads? Looks like oval faceted and roundel beads. And of course those circled Tahitians are stunning. The colors look wild.

Thanks JP :) I'm very happy with how Sarah designed this necklace. Not at all like I imagined but 100% better. I love aqua too. All of the aqua beads are faceted. They have been strung on Pattye's Beaders Secret.

Hi battah - no I set them myself using findings and 2 part epoxy from Rio Grande. It's actually very easy to do and Rio even have a video tutorial available.

Kalmen - they were from his 10-11mm multicolour matched pairs which sold out v quickly. They weren't specifically marketed as aubergine!

Oh which one did you get? I got 4 of them from that batch but haven't set them yet.

Thanks, kalmen and hanadama!

LOOOOVE that chain battah, is it vintage/antique?

MSC, it is! It's a 1900s French lorgnette from Addy's Vintage. I love it and have been wearing it a lot, it has such a nice weight. I think it's about 60", so it's been fun wearing it different ways.
Wearing my new little squidlet today! Ckrickett didn't realize her little guy had a California cousin...

Squidlet by Sheri Jurnecka