Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Tucs, your rope with that sweater looks so nicely nautical for spring :)
Those are lovely, Tucs!

I'm still waiting to officially get my white ripples from that sale, for Mother's Day. Last fall, I bought my own presents for the whole year all at once. That was a fun day. My birthday and Christmas were the ring setting and pearl, my Anniversary was the Tahitian drop pearl earrings in the blossom setting, Valentine's Day was the lavender rope, and Mother's Day will be the white ripples. This is (of course, lol!) a service for DH so he doesn't have to bother with buying me anything.

Oh dear. Soon I will be all out of presents. Whatever shall I do?! :cool:

new haul 1.jpg
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ckrickett - those Tahitians look gorgeous on you ! How lush...a triple strand look !!

Tucs...the two linked together into a rope look wonderful ! Can you wear them as a double as well or are they the same length?

Sea Urchin ... lol How fun was that getting all the presents at once ! What a good idea picking them all out yourself...and you did such a great job...lovely pieces ! ( I do love those earrings .. that is such a cute setting)
Thanks Cathy, Sea urchin and Katbran.

Katbran, I have one 16 inch strsnd and one 18 inch strand, so I can wear them stacked. I love that look actually. I must thank JerseyPearl for the long rope idea -- I had initially purchased just the 18 inch strand and when I saw her rope I ran to get an additional 16 inch.

Sea urchin, you're going to love the white ripples. They literally go with everything particularly with more informal outfits.
Beautiful ripples Tucs! They look great with your top.

Sea Urchin - I'm in awe of your presents! Especially the ripples - they're glowing like crazy!
Today, two strands of PP ripples worn as a rope.]

Those white ripples are so pretty Tucs!

Those are lovely, Tucs!

I'm still waiting to officially get my white ripples from that sale, for Mother's Day. Last fall, I bought my own presents for the whole year all at once. That was a fun day. My birthday and Christmas were the ring setting and pearl, my Anniversary was the Tahitian drop pearl earrings in the blossom setting, Valentine's Day was the lavender rope, and Mother's Day will be the white ripples. This is (of course, lol!) a service for DH so he doesn't have to bother with buying me anything.

Oh dear. Soon I will be all out of presents. Whatever shall I do?! :cool:

All are gorgeous!!! Your Tahitians have me drooling!

Great idea shopping for yourself all at once. Mother's Day is just around the corner!
Tucs, love that strand on you! Looks beautiful.

SeaUrchin, I always buy myself the best gifts...although I have two daughters who have been well trained and accompany my husband on his gift shopping! The downside is they've clued in that if they select something they like, they will get to "borrow" it.
Thanks for the kind words, hanadama, LitGeek, JerseyPearl and pkinnew.
Today is my little "tornado" created by Hisano using my Grandma's old akoya strand.

I couldn't get a good photo of it because of the lighting in my area. So forgive!
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Always happy to see your tornado! Makes me want to wear mine soon, too!
Today, it's a yellow linen tunic with my single white SS pearl. I love this spring-like weather but I know it won't last...

pkinnew, On this necklace can the pearl slide off or is it permanent? Who was the vendor for the pearl and chain? Do you mind taking a picture of the clasp for me to see how this works?
I love the tornado...those teeny weeny little pearls are so darn cute!

Frost Me - love the yellow linen with that pearl..or the other way around... so SPRING!

Jersey P - You are so lucky to have girls..I have two boys ... I got a small drill press and a water filled vibrating foot massager( they know I like Pedi's).. sigh ... you are so lucky ....
Ha, I have sons too. One year I received beef jerky and a can of air freshener. LOL!

Thanks, ladies, for all the lovely pics. I don't always sign in and comment but I definitely look forward to seeing all the pretties!
Ha, I have sons too. One year I received beef jerky and a can of air freshener. LOL!

Hmm, our son once gave DH a rock as a gift. And he wasn't a baby, and it wasn't a special rock. Boys.