Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Beeeeuuuutifulll! You gorgeous thing! Having two 25yr ish boys..if they styled me I think I'd be in fishing waders and polarfleece... you lucky thing.
I have one of those too! In between my 21 and 17 year olds is an almost 20 year old young man. He always turned to his sisters (and still does) when the polar fleece just isn't considered a jacket for dress purposes.
Jersey Pearl,

What fun to have a daughter who plays and styles so well! Your pearls are lovely, your coloring is perfect with the Tahitians. Lusting after your 2 strands layered together! There's just something chic about pearls with a casual t-shirt~ Love the JR earrings, too!

Thanks Pattye! I am in love with the Tahitian rope that lilliefuzziesocks selected. I can sit and stare at each pearl for hours, discovering new things about them....and not getting any thing done!
Enkeli, they're absolutely glowing, even on my little phone screen.
Thanks JerseyPearl! They're Tahitian keishis and soooo shiny! I got them from DruzyDesign this week. Wasn't planning on buying anything, but I was browsing online and they called out to me.

Pearls are really hard to say no to (I'm discovering...).
My "work" outfit on the way to my volunteer diver stint at the aquarium. Old jeans, Gap tank, man's shirt, and pearls! Wearing a dyed freshwater strand with my own creation, octo-enhancer, cast bronze with gigantic oilslick-hued 18+mm FW head.

Sheri, the octopus is fabulous :)

Enkeli, LOVE the Tahitian Keshia; there's a strand of mixed SS and Tahitian keshi I've dreamed over online for a year now ... Still available sigh ... One day :)
Wow...that octopus is one heck of a gorgeous showstopper!

Loooove this thread! :)
I love all these different necklaces; Jerseypearl, Fuzzysocks did pick you an amazing strand. Enkeli; that keshi necklace is really cool, very unique. And Sherri; whew baby, you put together the most amazing creations. Well done one and all! :-)
Love your tahitian rope/tin cup look, JerseyPearl! Isn't it fun letting someone else dress you up? Hmmm...I want a closer look at that watch.

And La_corsetiere: woah. You made that?! I need some new skills.
Love your tahitian rope/tin cup look, JerseyPearl! Isn't it fun letting someone else dress you up? Hmmm...I want a closer look at that watch.

And La_corsetiere: woah. You made that?! I need some new skills.

Here you go Seventh...I also included my white one as well...they were purchased together, at a two for one sale at the Fossil Outlet at the Jersey Shore (where else?) Premium Outlets. The white Deco has a lovely golden MOP face, which does not show well on camera but is brilliant in person; and the chocolate Tahitian has a brown enamel dial.