Amazing akoya keshis
@MotherOfPearlTrumpet!!! I love LOVE akoya keshis! They are tiny with have incredible luster and personality! And extra kudos to you for your patience with making them into a triple necklace! Triple WOW!!!
@jeg Oh the subtle ombre!!!! So beautiful! And everything else too ;-)
@CatMom Love the T bracelet and the star ring!!!! I got a sapphire star ring for my 18th birthday from my parents when we were on a trip in Thailand but unfortunately the strong star has faded into a very subtle star...But still it paits well with Tahitians, one of these days I will take it out and look at it again. Yours is pure gorgeousnes!
So I know I am on a non-pearl buy year but gifts don’t count right?

The backstory for this stainless steel necklace. I bought it for my Mom 20 years ago, it is Italian and had 4 big (fake) Tahitian pearls. My Mom loved it and wore it for many years. Until I got into pearls and couldn’t look at this necklace with same eyes anymore...and the fake Ts got all not-pretty looking with time... So I decided to give it an makeover with Australian South Sea pearls that i came to appreciate so much last year. The necklace needed big pearl so my budget said circles and Care Ehret happened to have a lot of these lustrous beauties on her website. There were two extra pearls so I asked Margaret of Simply Adorned to make two simple lariats with freshwater keshis for my sister and me.... I am so happy with the result and I am sure my Mom (and sister who is just along for the ride;-) will be too!
And then there is this time-traveller necklace which was a total surprise! In a real! effort to NOT buy anymore pearls or supplies I gave away a part of my stash to ftiends who are beaders and I had this carved Tahitian from Wen that I just had no idea wha to do with it. Yesterday my beader friend came to visit with this necklace ( with sparkly blue sapphires and red coral) which reminded me so much of ( Kojima’s or Kamoka’s) time-traveller pieces that I didnt even allow myself to want openly ;-) Again my no-pearl buy year is going really well ;-))))
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