Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

ckrickett - I love your tin cups! Very unique and one-of-a-kind!
Agree! Can I ask how you have the pearls set in the multipearl tin cup? It looks like the chain is going through the pearls.

Pearl Dreams, that tin cup is really beautiful... is it one long strand? Those pearls are so lovely on you!
I believe they are wire wrapped with very thin wire. Hisano designed and made this for me so she would know most definitely. But when I look at is it looks like it is wire wrapped.
amti, yes-- all one strand, which allows me to triple it as well.

Long tin cup strand with natural color freshwater pearls

Today I'm wearing this very iridescent multicolored FW keshi strand that I made a few years ago. I'm now thinking of redoing it as a tin cup, as it's hard to get the pearls to lie flat against my neck. There are a lot of funky shapes! :D

iridescent multicolored FW keshi strand

iridescent multicolored FW keshi strand laid flat

Or I could shorten it an inch or two and wear it as a bracelet. At least then I would see the pearls while wearing them.
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You're on a roll, PearlDreams! The center heart shaped pearl will really stand out in a tin cup.
Lisa, I'm now thinking of just making it hang lower by connecting it end to end with another strand with a similar toggle clasp.
I actually really like it as is. Such a lovely drape on your neck.
Pearl dreams, I actually like the way it sits on your neck! Have you maybe thought of adding a bit of length to it so it may sit better though? Sometimes that helps with tricky necklaces I have, usually a small spacer bead between each pearl works the best, but that is just my experience.
Today it's my 3 strand dog collar and my ruby heart drops.

3 strand dog collar and my ruby heart drops

Yesterday, it was my reborn pearls, but I forgot to take a photo. Here ya go.

my reborn pearls
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And now for something completely different:

seed beads with a shell cameo and a faux pearl drop

A very different kind of stringing, seed beads with a shell cameo and a faux pearl drop. I wish it were a real drop, but I could always swap out the pearl.
Did you do this?!?! It's amazing, and of course perfect for the season with your top.