ok i have SO much catching up to do! i am simply too busy lately. yeesh.
at any rate, i've been making things, i've been adding earring dangles (thanks to y'all - i don't know who here was doing that lately, but i've been inspired!), i've been wearing stuff.
doubled strand of 4-5mm (really REALLY) blue (so probably dyed) akoyas (vintage from ebay) with my rainbowislandpearls tahitians:
a strand of big ol' bumpy white pearls mixed with little metallic pinks, strung by me, doubled, along with my dark violet/blue faceted strand, with earrings, also self-done:
what i think of as my fairy pearl necklace - made myself with teensy varicolored seed pearls with "keshi" interspersed, dainty gold chain accompaniment, and one gigantic blister pearl as centerpiece (baroque metallic stud visible as well).
and of course, i've worn pearls every day all along, but i've only taken so many photos.