Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Thank you 86C !
I had to chuckle not long ago when you went to the doc and you wore your beautiful pearls. I drooled when I saw your long Ombré T strand. Mesmerized by your new Fiji strand.
Lately that is exactly what I have been doing as well. I literally have at least 3 appointments a month with medical specialists (Long/Post Covid complications) and see it as a great opportunity to dress up with my pearls. Somehow wearing them puts an extra skip in my step and it makes me smile 🥰

I had already purchased a baroque WWS & GSS strand. I love it, so it was on the top of my list to find a round mixed SS strand. Cees came thru with that beautiful strand ❣️
Cees never disappoints, does he? I have gotten some beautiful Tahitians from him & they always make me smile when I Wear them. :giggle:
Yours look beautiful on you.
Hi Pearl Friends ❣️
I know it has been a while since posted last. It’s been a bit of a challenging year of health. I have been lurking each evening as my guilty pleasure. I am loving ALL the gorgeous pearls posted, seeing your post brings me joy and a smiles 😃
I have been wanting to post a couple is strands I have purchased, and smitten with in my collection.

These two strands are from Cees, and he never disappoints! I am in awe of these South Seas beauties. I love baroque pearls and must say my eyes go directly to them! That being said, I thought it was time to up the classic round pearls in my collection. I guess you can say I adore ALL of them now 😀View attachment 462417View attachment 462426
Oh my gosh! I especially love the golden-white combo necklace!
Really beautiful pearls, AZFlyGirl ... I'm so glad they make your days easier :) My dentist's family (wife is the practice manager and assistant and former dental professor, daughter is office and patient manager) schedules their days on and lunch hours around my appointments, and are known to make requests for pearl colors and types ... and heavens forbid if Walter shows up for a root canal without bringing me along LOL.
Chris & I have some business to attend to today so I'm wearing my new Fiji strand.
Really beautiful pearls, AZFlyGirl ... I'm so glad they make your days easier :) My dentist's family (wife is the practice manager and assistant and former dental professor, daughter is office and patient manager) schedules their days on and lunch hours around my appointments, and are known to make requests for pearl colors and types ... and heavens forbid if Walter shows up for a root canal without bringing me
Thank you Cathy and Douglas.
I too love all my South Sea Pearls. Now on my list are SOC and also Fiji Pearls. ( if I can only get over my baroque T obsession! lol).
I was drooling over JEG’s SOC keshi tin cup, and 86C’s new Fiji strand 🤗
Stunning 86C ! Those are exquisite and look beautiful on you. Perfect with your skin tone. I am mesmerized ❤️
Thank you, AzFlyGirl, for your kind words. I lucked up on being able to buy this strand. I'm truly in love with it. Like you, SOC pearls are on my wish list right up there with the GSS/WSS strand I'm looking for. Jeg's SOC Keshi tin cup is definitely drool worthy !
Yesterday, it was GSS for a sushi & sake dinner with the middle son. GSS earrings, strand & enhancer came from David Norman, Akoya keshi necklace came from PP. The GSS/golden sapphire ring I've had for years. It's the sister ring to the Tahitian/blue sapphire ring I wear so much.
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Lovely goldens, but can we talk about that mani?!! It's fabulous.
This so reminds me of the strand presented to Duchess Megan. Although I do believe yours is a more beautiful selection of color.
Thank you, JerseyPearl. I went bonkers over that necklace when I first saw the pics of the presentation. I was fortunate to be able to work with David Norman to make this purchase. Put a good size dent in my budget but well worth it!
Lovely goldens, but can we talk about that mani?!! It's fabulous.
Ahhhhh, my nails. My nail tech is very creative & extremely talented. I was in the mood for something in lavender & he came up with this. He does great work & I always get compliments. 💖
These Goldens I also bought from David along with many Tahitians over the years.
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Gorgeous strands, 86C! SurfnSci, those soft Kasumi colors are so pretty. I love your convertible bracelet designs. too!

Aloha! I’ve been on vacation in paradise. Too warm to wear anything but a few earrings and occasionally the Traveling Pearl.

I’ve been wanting to try these soufflé pancakes but the line at this breakfast/lunch restaurant is always so long. Now I can see why…