Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Those are lovely jeg and your dress looks so fresh! Great combo!
Thank you for the akoya keshi love everyone! I need to string these tiny pearls still...
Douglas I cant remember how big are the Vietnamese keshis, but luckily I have bought gauge calipers that should be delivered soon and I will let you know. I was curious to know the true size of some of my pearls because the declared size is sometimes confusing for me... I have a few 10-11mm pearls with big difference in I just followed my obsessive instincts and bought calipers;)

Jeg I missed your ombres!!!! And WOW that is the most glorious ombre combination ever!!! Otherworldly...

AzflyGirl lovely tin cup, fantastic for the summer!

Donna welcome to the forum!
Yesterday was a Ripple day! I adore Ripples and cannot resist when they have a metallic luster. This is my 'pretty in pink" strand.
I purchased it a couple of years ago, during a PP sale. It is big, off round and has an incredible metallic luster. I find it delightfully captivating !

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Susan PG PP multi 1.jpg
Jeg, eolianpearls, your lovely mixed akoyas pushed me to buy my first blue akoya necklaces. (It helped that the necklaces I have been eyeing for months are part of PP's vault sale!) AzFlyGirl, your ripples have so many beautiful colors...and what a nice size! Jeg...I love seeing another appearance of your ombre necklace...
Everyone's pearls are so gorgeous. I'm wearing pearls almost every day, but not photographing them. The lighting is terrible this time of year.
BWeaves I have found myself wearing the few pearls I have every day, even though I work from home - they make me feel special. Even the cheap China Etsy versions … patiently awaiting my new purchase and getting ready to purchase my cart from PP. my hubby may leave me ;) But they make me happy.
Thanks so much everyone! Usually the full strands don’t get worn as much this time of year, but I do like to get them out, if not for just a little playtime.

AzFlyGirl, yes, pretty in pink! They look wonderful on you!

TriciaS and DonnaH, ooo, can’t wait to see your new pearls! I also found a little something in the vault sale...:rolleyes:

DonnaH., I love that appreciation for all pearls. Baroques and mis-shaped pearls were once inexpensive cast offs, too. I love and appreciate the whole range, regardless of what price might be attached to it. AND, if hubby leaves you, tell him to do it sooner rather than later- then you can join us at Pearls By The Bay, instead of going to the in-laws reunion!:lmao:

I made this little anklet last year. I like anklets, but I rarely take pictures of my ankles!
Nice anklet! I rarely see them these days (well, being locked up inside my house does not help! :lol:).
Oh those ripples are just so supple, large, mouth-watering! The metallic sheen is mesmerizing!
Ack- sorry Donna, I had you confused with Tricia, who is missing PBTB due to an in-law get together! :pat:

Thanks, Douglas!
jeg no problem with confusion. … I saw the gathering posts and literally looked at flights. Love the area! I would have brought the hubby along. I have show golden retrievers and will be going to our National show that same month …. So, I hope to be there in spirit and see everyone’s photos from the gathering.

love the anklet!! And I love those shoes. I have a similar pair in a soft purple that I love. :)
Ok….the mail came!!!!! I feel like a kid with a new toy. I put them on and immediately felt beautiful. It’s funny how there was so much magic in one little box. I have wanted a nice strand of pearls my whole life, and now 3.5 weeks away from turning 60 just look! They are perfect


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They’re absolutely beautiful with your skin. And I must say I love that color top.
Well done, great results, yaaaay!:35:
also, great starters, size, glow, everything!
They look gorgeous and fresh! Great purchase and I hope you will wear them in Health! :biggthumpup:
Donna, they are perfect! Happy early birthday to you!!:party: I have a feeling you won’t be taking them off any time soon!

Thanks, Douglas and Donna! Donna, the shoes were handmade by a young Turkish gentleman who used to sell them at our local Saturday Market. They were all rather one of a kind because he would use scraps of leather. I have a couple other colors, too.

Green Tahitian strand from PP. I purchased these on my very first visit to the vault. Worn with a mixed Tahitian strand and earrings I made.
Ooh, everyone looks LOVELY! DonnaH, some dreams do take a lifetime, but WOW, you look wonderful in those beautiful new pearls and that bright top ... CONGRATULATIONS! (Also, we happen to have a PETS thread on here, so if anyone were interested in posting cute pictures of Golden Retrievers ... just saying lol) Also ... Jeg has CUTE shoes!!!
JEG, great pearls and cool shoes!

Donna, wow, those are gorgeous.

It's my birthday today and I'm celebrating by doing nothing. I want to stay home in my jammies and play with my toys (my Japanese braiding stands). I currently have both my marudai and my takadai warped up with various silk braids.
BWeaves HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sounds like a perfect day to me! CathyKeshi I have plenty of golden retriever photos, and a Rhodesian ridgeback. jeg those pearls are just luscious! Thanks for the story on the shoes. Mine are made my a little shoe company from a several years back. CortezPearls Lisa c, and all …thanks for sharing in my joy of my new pearls! They are on again! I’m so thrilled with them! So last night I ordered from PP a silver blue Akoya baroque strand ….. after all, I think I deserve them. Not so sure my husband is thrilled … ;) Although he said I seemed to glow wearing the pearls.

have a great weekend everyone. Enjoy!
DonnaH...your new pearls look wonderful on you--gorgeous luster and a perfect size. And how nice that your husband noticed you glowing as you wear them. (I just ordered silver blue akoya pearl necklaces from PP, too!)

Jeg, I continue to marvel at how well you put clothing and pearls together. And that anklet is such a neat mix of gems and pearls.

Happy Birthday, BWeaves! I'm looking forward to seeing whatever you do with your braiding stands. It sounds like fun.
Happiest Birthday dear BWeaves :birthday::fest30:
May this Day be filled with Nacreous Orbs of Beauty, Health and much, much LOVE :07: