Love the ripples! Love the slides!
Yesterday I was wearing all Vietnamese Blue Akoyas from PP, and Kojima earrings with attached white topaz hoops. Plus a blue Tahitian pendant from Kojima. I know I named it, but now I can't remember what I named it. I know I had Winter Snowman, Summer Rainbow, and the Kasumi pendant was Fall leaves. Was this Spring Rain?
Since I linked several necklaces together, I positioned the orbit clasps in front, sort of staggered, to make them part of the design.
The photos don't pick up how intensely blue and pink these pearls are.
Today it's Mikimoto earrings, and necklaces from Kojima. Everything Bagel rope (the long one), long mixed tin-cup, and feather pendant.
Sea of Cortez ring in PP setting. SoC pearl from Douglas!!! I know this pearl would have made an amazing pendant, but by setting it in a ring, I get to gaze at it all day. It's mesmerizing.