Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Eolian, blue Akoyas are my favourite pearls & yours are just gorgeous!
Your stands are lovely, SydK!
You have a divine pearl collection, Jeg!
Beautiful pearls everyone! I've been homebound by this horrible winter storm we've had in Texas this week, but hopefully I'll be back at work on Monday and ready to wear my pearls again! Before calamity struck I'd worn my pearls nearly every day for about a month, and I miss them! I'm going to try layering my pendants with my new pearls, and I was wondering how harmful is it to pearls to wear them layered with chain necklaces? I mean... I'm going to do it anyway, but if it's very damaging it can be an occasional treat. By chains I mean just the usual gold fine guage chains you wear with pendants.
Your bronze freshwaters looks great ln you SydK. I have a hard time wearing that color, peach and apricot colors as well. Sometimes I still try.
Pearlie Sue, you have to show us your new pearls. Chains can damage pearls, I haven't seen it myself. Mostly I don't wear chains and strands together anymore. I have made chains out of tiny ivory off round freshwater pearls instead, in different lenghts. I had to string most of them on wire, I don't like wire but the drillholes were just to tiny. I have even made a long and short lavender rose strand. They were all from a seller on ebay that have since closed the shop, Pearllunar, but can probably be found elsewhere as well. I also use a nifty clasp where pendants can be attached. But it's better to wear pearls than to not wear them, don't feel bad if you mix chains and strands.
Thank you Charlotta! By "new" I mean the pearls I've bought in the last six weeks, none I haven't shown off in the thread yet. I'll definitely show them layered though! So, in your opinion a chain of tiny pearls might be less damaging than a typical chain? (Not to mention look pretty cool too!)
Pearlie Sue, I think that all pearls have the same hardness and shouldn't damage other pearls. Those small pearls that I use for chain were quite affordable, so if some of those got damaged they could easily be replaced.
Jeg, is that a new rope, don't remember thay one. It's beautiful. I did something similar with my very long tahitian rope, the one with hery big drops, smaller drops and a few rounder pearls. I didn't use keshis, but I arranged the pearls in color groups when possible. It was very fun to make.
Thanks, Pareltje, SydK, Charlotta, Katbran, eolian, and Bridie!

SydK, I love silvery white Tahitians! What a fun necklace to keep adding to, and the bronze combination is a winner together!

Ahahaha! NO questions asked, eolian!!;) And lovely Akoya!!

Pearlie Sue, I am not one to pamper my pearls and I wear them with anything. I have Akoya that spent years rattling around in jumbled jewelry boxes. The only thing I avoid is wearing them with stuff like sunscreen.

A Kojima rope of Tahitian keshi and pearls, arranged in a subtle graduation of color. Worn with the Kojima Tahitian Bubbles, and earrings I made.


Jeg, that rope is truly lovely - is it new? I don’t recall seeing it before.
Pearlie Sue, I often wear my pearls with chains, with no apparent damage. I suppose it might not be good for them long-term, but I’ve not had any immediate issues.
Today’s pearls:
Thank you for the blue akoya love everyone! Blueberries indeed Lisa c! They truly are a special color, you need them SydK! I have bought a bigger strand of ice blue one some years ago, they were lovely but...silverly blue as opposed to...blueberries... And I thought the size was too big for me to wear casually so I made two gemstone ropes with them, one with garnet and another with amethyst rondelles for a friend. But I definitely need bigger blue akoyas for when I grow up :-) Oh and looking at the picture now I need to restring that one necklace too...

In other news I love your Kojima rope Jeg! And the Bubbles of course...

SydK your Tahitians and the pendant are fabulous! The size! The colors! And the setting of the pendant! Perfect combination! And the summer pic...

Pearliesue I do combine my pearls very very often with chains and other gemstones and I havent noticed any problems. I try to remember to gently wipe my pearls after use and they are fine.98BC99A0-7A91-439F-BAD0-A2AC41AE56E1.jpg
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SydK, those tahitians looks lovely on you.
Eolian pearls, beautiful akoyas, the bigger one looks great with the garnets.
RED! I remember lurking over your shoulder, watching you move those gorgeous pearls around ... still stunned by their beauty. LOVE that bright pop of scarf color, especially in this dreary GREY weather. Hope to see you by the ocean sunshine somewhere this year :)

Eolian, what bright and pretty blueberries :)

I agree with Pareltje; every single post, every single pearl posted here is special, as are all the pearl friends! Thank you all for brightening our days.

And ... somedays I stare at Jeg's pearls. Some days I stare at Jeg's clothes. Some days I stare at both ... lost in wonder. Those are the days nothing else gets done LOL. Special Thanks to Jeg for all the effort and joy in the posts!

Walter and are are shaking off the remnants of vaccine #2 dose, and so hoping we can play pearls later this year :) Stay safe and well, all.
Hi everyone - I've been lurking for a while but this is my first post. I love my pearls and it's so nice to see what everyone else is wearing. I'm loving the blue akoyas and gold south sea.. Going straight to the top of my wish list... with everything else... so gorgeous! =)
Welcome mskuj! And share some photos of you pearls and how you wear them :)
I'm drooling over everyones' pearls, as usual. As soon as life settles down for me (I finish taking a work certification exam, and IRS tax season slows down) I'll start posting more photos of my daily pearls.
Thank you, Charlotta, SydK, eolian, Pareltje, and CathyKeshi! Yes, it’s a new rope. You guys know my collection well!;) Sorry Charlotta, I was trying to edit the post and then I got duplicate photos, so I deleted the post and started over. You must’ve caught me during the edit. Thank you so much, Cathy, for your so very nice compliments. :o

SydK, another winning combination! And eolian, all the blue Akoya are so pretty. I love all the shades!

So glad you decided to join in, mskuj! Those pesky wish lists are never ending...:rolleyes:

I have been playing with more earrings, adding stones and fossils. Haven’t taken pics of all of them, but here’s one of the fossilized coral. The pattern reminds me of an Asian print. Worn with a silver Tahitian rope I knotted with pearls from Pearls By The Bay, and a coral and Akoya rope from Kojima.


Thank you all for your nice comments! The blues are my first love, the pearls that started it all...You are right Jeg, all the shades are beautiful, the icy blue are just incredible with a little tan... oh...the summer....

Welcome Mskuj, I know all about the wishlists...

Jeg, I LOVE your new earrings, such a unique combination! Of course I love the rope too...silverly rope is on my wishlist too...;-)
That explains it Jeg, it thought it was weird. I thought I had become totally nuts there for a minute, haha. Your new earrings are beautiful, the fossilized coral is perfect with those silvery tahitians.
Today it's Kasumis and ripples. The earrings are real Kasumi pearls with amethyst. The shorter necklace is from Kojima, and the longer one from the sister site Pacific Pearls.
