Yes, the SoC ring is in rose gold. The SoC pearl has intense hot pink colors around the base and intense teal green at the top. It was slightly pear shaped, but I had it mounted point down. It probably should have been a pendant, but I really wanted a ring and this was my favorite pearl that Douglas brought to Ruckus for me to choose from.
Today, Kojima ombre' tin-cup with Greg Who hanging off it. Pale peach ripples, also from Kojima. White metallic drops hung on my Mom's diamond hoops.
The ombre' tin-cup looks really different when I wear it with the clasp in front, because that's where all the pink, white, and gold pearls are. The Tahitians are all behind my neck this way.
From when I was going through my Princess Diana phase in the 1980's. Garnet and diamond halo ring. This is an amazing garnet. People always think it's a ruby because it's in a nice setting and it has good color and sparkle. But the back facets of garnets always look black compared to rubies, which is one way to tell the difference. This ring was not very expensive, but it looks amazing.
After I bought the garnet, I told myself that if I ever found a pear shaped amethyst in a similar setting, I'd buy it. The jeweler must have read my mind, because a few months later this ring showed up. It flashes different colors.