Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

86Corvette- I'm pleased that you are recovering well. Hands are so difficult as there is so little tissue and every movement pulls. My husband John is very fair and spent every Australian summer in sailing competitions. This was way before sunscreen and he has spent the last 30 years having cancers removed. He's got some impressive scars on his upper arms . Vigilance is the only way and you are very wise to keep up the screenings.

Jeg - I want to thank you for the mention last week - I missed several days somehow and you post was in there ! Lets hope it travels better that the pearl earrings that wandered around the country before getting to you lol That GSS and Blue Akoya rope is so pretty ! The Gold and Blue make a wonderful colour combination. Personally I love the Blue Akoya - though the colour can be a bit tricky as they photo quite blue while in real life appearing more silver.

Bailey - I love that 8-10 size. For a long time I was totally into large pearls - but the lustre on the smaller ones is so hard to beat. they look beautiful !

Frostme - Love the bracelet !!
Haha, Katbran- I think the earrings saw more of the US than I’ve ever seen! So far, it doesn’t look like the pendant has made its way to the US yet. I am looking forward to seeing it! I agree about the blue Akoya. The color really pops when taking pics. I do love the pearls, but with my coloring, I tend more towards silvers than blues.
You did a great job with those two strands Jeg, that little gemstone and golden south sea strand is gorgeous.
Thanks so much, Charlotta!

Chosen keshi rope from Kojima, with a keshi necklace and freshwater earrings I made.

Jeg, I love that you show a photo wearing the pearls and then a close up. The yellow and blue combinations do look super-summery and the keshi are scruptious!
JEG: Great combinations again. I also love the clothing shots and then the close ups. I seem to be channeling you today. I'm also in gold and blue ropes of pearls. I had to layer them on today. I needed to be dripping in pearls. Photos later.
Pretty keshis jeg, you always manage to coordinate your pearls and outfits to perfection.
Yesterday, ALL the BLUES. Blue akoya pearls from PP. Deep blue with lots of pink. The choker is pale blue but has beautiful soap bubble colors in real life. All the pearls look grey in the photos, when they are definitely blue and pink in person.


Alternating the orbit clasps in front as a design element.


Dyed blue grey drops from Kojima on my diamond hoops.


Today I wanted to be dripping in pearls. All from Kojima. Everything Bagel rope and Mixed Tin-cup rope. Greg Who hanging off a freshwater keshi tin-cup. Summer Rainbow and Winter Snowman drops on Mom's diamond hoops. These are all some of my most colorful pearls





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AND, ombre' tin-cup just arrived from Kojima. I wasn't sure about it in the box, but once I put it on, it matched Summer Rainbow and Winter Snowman earrings so well, that it was just perfect. Plus, I love the length, 26". It's very lightweight. Feels good in the heat.


The white linen is pure white, but it didn't photograph as white.



Mom's hoops have a very interesting catch on the back. You have to press the lever to release it so the hoop will open. Very secure.

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Wow, my eyes are dazzled by all the multicolour ropes and tin cups on this page!
Jeg, LOVE that keshi combo - the black in the kojima rope provides the perfect amount of contrast to all the light and airiness.
Bweaves, have admit that when I saw it on the Kojima site, I thought that the ombré was really nice but wondered if it was a bit on the exy side given the length and materials. But seeing it here, I get it now - it’s a knock-out! I’m sure it will be super versatile and and you will get a ton of wear out of it, too.
Yeah, it's a bit more expensive than I would have liked, but there was the sale discount that helped bring the price down. And Sarah swapped out the hook clasp for an orbit clasp, so it feels more secure to me and will allow me to move different pearls to the front easier. Some of the pearls that look a bit flat in my photos are actually super colorful.
Wow, I love all the pearls and pics BWeaves! That ombré tin cup is gorgeous. I love it! :o
Jeg, I love that you show a photo wearing the pearls and then a close up. The yellow and blue combinations do look super-summery and the keshi are scruptious!

Thanks so much, GemGeek, Charlotta and BWeaves! It started with some pearly friends’ comments about the clothes, but I feel I need to do a separate pearl photo because they get washed out in the bigger pics.

Thank you, SydK! I really like the combination of colors in that keshi piece. Different than anything I have.
Thanks, Katbran. You are correct...vigilance is the only way to address it. My dermatologist & I stay on top of it through regular appointments & removing suspicious spots before they can develop into cancers. This one developed due to COVID & the doctor's offices being closed for a couple of months & only doing virtual consultations, no surgeries. But it has been completely removed & now I'm enjoying my mango margaritas & healing. Stitches will come out next week on the 19th. When they ask me if I'm concerned about scars, I tell them that scars are like tattoos, only with better stories.

Jeg, you look fabulous as usual. I love the combination of colors & the luster just glows! You're so pearl savvy with which strands go with each other! I will pay homage to the Pearl Queen!

BW, your blues are so lovely & look so good mixed & layered! I like to layer mine as well!
Oh, my! You are dripping in beautiful, lustrous pearls! Such a fabulous look! You look so comfortable & colorful!
Your new Ombré tin cup is spectacular & really accents Summer Rainbow & Winter Snowman! I think you will be wearing this one a lot since the length is so versatile! Fabulous choice!

Well...I did step off Ban Island to get a Pearl chain from Kojima & then I was enticed by Lilpearl's Maki Tahitians. So I contacted Oceancove & bought one too. It arrived today & it's so beautiful with it's green & aubergine overtones & abalone mosaic!! I will be having Sarah custom make me another pendant or maybe earrings!


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BWeaves, I love all tin cups, just gorgeous and so versatile!!

86C, we’re twinning lol! Love your maki-e pendant, just beautiful!!
I love everybody’s new pearls — so much lusciousness! BWeaves love the new tin cup and 86C, your maki-e pendant is gorgeous! After buying a pair of earrings from Kojima’s sale, I got put back on ban island this week. Daughter’s Mercedes suffered a fatal illness and had to be euthanized. Her credit is so bad that she couldn’t get a loan so I had to make up the difference between the trade and a new (used) vehicle. Major ouch for me.
Bweaves, your ombre rainbow tincup is absolutely perfect. There are so many colors in it and the lenght is great. There must be almost all colors and shapes in this on. Just beautiful.
86Corvettegirl, that pendant is amazing. I am happy that you are healing well, hope that gel isn't too bad.