So much eye candy to catch up on today !!
Charlotta, Eolian, SydK, Red and Katbran, thank you for your kind words on my Sausalito strand. The minute I saw it on the Kojima post, I had to inquire and buy it, I was complete mesmerized.
GemandPearlover, the two large FWP strands are lovely together. I think they nest so well together Their luster is supreme.
Jeg, I love your new Kojima T necklace. It looks so good with your blouse you have on, and the colors are lovely. And the new tin cup you made, is luscious ! So pretty with the pearls you combined together. It looks great with your FWP strand as well. Oh so pretty.
Still on my kick of trying to be a little more attentive to my attire at home. I do feel a pep in my step, making the effort. I live in my pretty and lightweight sundresses in summer, since in the Sonoran Desert. This weekend we had our first 100F degree temp, and it is just April!! Today they expect 103. Oh what fun......its hereeeeeeee. lol
Temps in mind, I am wearing one of my sundresses in white, pink, magenta and green, with a little white shrug, since it gets cool sometimes in the airco. I decided to pair it with one of my earliest T purchases a medium green baroque. It has lovely luster, it is smoothed skin for the most part, pretty green color and pearl size is nice for me. Not to mention it has my adored bean clasp, which makes it so much easier for me to put on and take off. With age has come hand issues, so I truly detest those horrible ball clasp. They are so difficult on some days, I will not even contemplate putting attempting a necklace that has that clasp, sadly. For such a hot day, I feel pretty cool ! lol