Thank you, for all the kind comments on my new silver T strand. I must admit, when I first saw the strand, the color and luster look more like a South Sea pearls, than Tahitians. But wow, they really are incredible and I am so happy I splurged on that strand.
I have not been on PG much lately as been quarantined for 7 days. I am feeling grateful today, as yesterday was my last day of quarantine, and I am free to self-isolate again. Being very careful, as this was a bit of a scare truthfully. Though fearful in the past two month since I continued to work, reality gobsmacked me with the quarantine! Needless to say, this has allowed me to deeply think of the situation, and I decided to take a emergency leave through the end of May. I am somewhat relieved after this decision, and came through my scare.
Gemandpearlover, I want to thank you for doing all you are doing during this pandemic ! The hard fight is being fought, and I want you to know how much appreciation I have what you are doing. The reality of my quarantine really set in, and I am grateful for all the medical community, who work tirelessly each day to help with this horrible pandemic! THANK YOU !
BWeaves, I love the layered two T strands, they look lovely together. As well as the 'who' brothers, are delightful and look great paired with your strand.
Gemandpearlover, your FWP look lovely on you. I must admit I enjoy my FWP strands and enjoy wearing them. Nothing lowly about them!!
SydK, your baroque akoyas look very elegant. Love those baroques as you can really dress them up or down! They are chameleons.
With my time off, I will try to post more photos, since I will have some time again.

I have purchased a couple of strands in the past year, I have not posted, so now I will be able to photograph them and share. I need the practice of taking these photos, as I am not very good with capturing their true beauty.
So today, I am posting a Kojima necklace I purchased from Sarah. This beauty has lovely dark charcoal body color, with a bronze like overtone. Unique. I thought this strand would be great as a choker , as to layer with my other Ts.