Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

BAS, that Fire Goddess is strikingly beautiful.

Cyndaco I love your GSSs! Lovely matching with the t-shirt print. And so big!
PP baroque Tahitians.

peacock green baroque Tahitians from Pearl Paradise
Tucs, that looks spectacular on you! The colors, overtones and luster. Yum!!!
I'm really enjoying the strand I bought from pkinnew from PP!

strand I bought from pkinnew from PP
Ombre graduated color necklace by Pearl Paradise
That is such a lovely, unexpected design - looks beautiful on you, BAS! And I have to chime in to Tucs - the color and luster on your PP Tahitian strand is breathtaking!
Thanks everyone for the kind words.

BAS, that lariat is so pretty on you! I love it, playful yet elegant.
PP (April special) silver-blue baroque akoyas, shortened to make earrings.

Pearl Paradise (April special) silver-blue baroque akoyas
PP silver-blue baroque akoyas strand shortened to make earrings
Blue baroque akoya earrings
I was going to wait until I had a more permanent solution for Big Papa, but I still am not 100% sure what I want to make for him necklace wise. so I found an inexpensive brassy chain I will wear him on until I figure it out (if anyone had suggestions throw them my way!)

so I am wearing him like this today!
Big Papa