Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

funky_pearl - Love your bracelet pearl choices! I've been playing with mine and need to post pictures too! And I hear you about wrist shots - not the easiest!

Today my pearls are black & white! I shortened my black & white strand with a pearl clasp so I could wear it close to the neck.

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pkinnew -- sigh. I just adore that piece!!! Looks gorgeous on you!
Pkin I just love your collection of pearls. Each and every piece is just amaing. Hope you can come to the ruckus and bring them all so I can drool in person :)
Funky and pkinnew thank you for the photos! I love to browse the thread in the morning or after a long day at work.
Pkinnew I think that's my favourite piece of yours! So gorgeous, and very versatile, too.
Thanks for the wonderful comments! Hisano did such a fantastic job putting the strand and bracelet together.

JerseyPearl - Here are pictures of the clasp and strand before and after. It's circle that opens up and then you close it around the pearls. Yes there's a risk of scratching the pearls so I don't do this very often. And the pearls are big enough that they don't fall through the circle. The other issue is that the rest of the strand falls behind your neck/down your back but if you're desparate enough to shortern a strand you'll do it!

I am happy to announce that pkinnew was kind enough to sell me one of her lovely PP ombre lariats!!! Voila! Thank you so much, pkinnew! I just love it and it is different from anything I own:

I think it's YG and pink tourmaline. I just love it -- but did any one person notice or say a word today? The answer would be a resounding NO!
BAS - It looks better on you than on me!!! Just gorgeous!

I have a few more items I might be willing to re-home if anyone is interested (pm me).
BAS, that's what you have US for LOL ... that necklace looks FABULOUS ! Pkinnew, how nice of you to share :)
How lovely! BAS, you just know someone is saying "she must be married to a millionaire!" You look great��

Pkin, you Temptress!
Everybody post:-)