Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Jeg that is the most adorable post yet ... what a perfect Valentine's Day party!
I'm getting a massage today so no jewelry til I get home but had to snap a neck shot of my 9.5-10mm baroque Akoya necklace!!

Wow absolutely gorgeous 86C - you hit the jackpot!! The luster and roundness of the pearls are magnificentl. Enjoy your new pearls.

Jeg your tea party looks like it will be festive and delicious. And all your pearls are beautiful!
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I am loving so many threads in the "show my your pearls" section! The only part that is concerning is that my appetite for (more) pearls in increasing thanks to the inspirational photos of wonderful pearls, beautifully layered! :rolleyes:
thank you, Jeg, BW, Chalotta, Bcm21mk. I'm very happy with them.

Jeg, what a wonderful tea party for Valentine's day. Everything is perfect from the pearl draped bears to the vintage cards. The pearls you're wearing are outstanding & look wonderful!!

BW, It's an 18"necklace. I have a fat neck & a 19" drapes better but the necklace was only in the 18" length!!!
86C, but it looks so right on you!

A couple days ago. The Swan on a white gold knit choker. The colors of the pearl aren't showing up. Blue grey drops with topaz hoops from Kojima.


Today. Mom's akoya choker and my Hanadama studs.

jeg, I want to come to your tea party! I'd give one myself except that the tea service has been put away for so many years that it will take professionals to get the tarnish off. I love your precious pearly bear girls.
How cute Jeg!!! I'd love to browse through the valentine cards. That's so neat he saved them. We used to throw everything out, which is probably why I love vintage/antiques so much!
Thanks so much, Pattye, BWeaves, Charlotta, Cathy, Bcm21mk, 86C, Parrot Lady and amti!! :o:o I was so happy to get pre-party pictures, I forgot to take photos once all the food was displayed. :eek:

ParrotLady, the tea service was a wedding gift. It stays on that chest permanently to remind me to keep it polished. i had it stored away and several years ago pulled it out and spent a whole weekend cleaning it up. Never doing that again!

Amti, I have a collection of random heirlooms from both sides of the family that I try to display every now and then. The tea cup and luncheon plate collection was started by pieces I inherited from my husband’s grandmother. I liked the idea of mismatched pieces that tie together and added to it over the years. (Sounds like my clothes!)

BWeaves, your two days of pearls are elegant yet casual!
My bracelet arrived yesterday! This is the Fiji bracelet I arranged during my visit to the PP vault. I love it! I miscalculated because I just estimated the length and I made it too long. Better than too short, though. I’ll have to decide on a of couple pearls to remove and rearrange it.

jeg that setting with the bears and High Tea ... absolutely wonderful ! A truly magical photo!! And your FiJi bracelet - what gorgeous pearls !! Love the colour bands !

Red - I love your station necklace and your outfit colour combo. That ring ... what a fabulous colour.

86C - your baroque Akoya are beautiful ! They just glow - I'm sure you love them !

BWeaves = wonderful pearls !
Gorgeous pearls as always, Bweaves. And I love your new mismatched studs that I saw on another tread.
Beautiful colors on the bracelet Jeg.
Jeg I love your tea party pearl pics and all your pearls. BWeaves you have such incredible looks- so fashionable.

I am taking the dogs on a long walk wearing an inexpensive strand of freshwater pearls that I strung yesterday. I added a Koi pond pewter accent piece and a gold ball clasp.
Jeg, you Fiji bracelet looks so luscious. You & Red have now caused me to add Fiji bracelets to my never ending list!!!

Thank you, Katbran. I really do love the necklace! It's perfect!

Gemandpearlover, your necklace turned out wonderful & I love the koi pond accent!!
Headed to the nail salon to get my nails done for the wedding tomorrow. Just a cashmere sweater with leggings since the rain has not set in so I'm wearing my blue baroque Akoya & white souffle tin cup doubled, matching earrings, & blue Akoya rope.


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86C - love your "ho hum just going to get a manicure" pearls. Your earrings and tin cup are lovely with the blue akoya/souffle combo. The rope is a beautiful complement. I hope you post a pic tomorrow of the pearls you'll be wearing to the wedding. I love your baroque akoyas!!
jeg, love love the colors in your bracelet.
Gemandpearllover, nice job. That koi pond piece just makes the necklace!
86CG, that's a great look for a grey Georgia day!
My bracelet arrived yesterday! This is the Fiji bracelet I arranged during my visit to the PP vault. I love it! I miscalculated because I just estimated the length and I made it too long. Better than too short, though. I’ll have to decide on a of couple pearls to remove and rearrange it.

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Jeg the colors on your Fiji pearls are so vibrant and colorful. A wonderful addition to your fantastic collection.