Annie: Those T's are gorgeous. That top ring has amazing color and luster. And the necklace has a beautiful balance of shapes and colors.
Katbran: Yes, hahah. It's down to 80F this week. Definitely cooling off. It does make it easier to layer up the pearls, since they are warm to wear. I'm always amazed at how cold my jade bracelet is to wear. If I ever find jade beads in my budget, I bet they'll be very cool on my neck.
And now for something completely different. Native American Fetish strand. Some of the fetishes are carved from shell, but interestingly enough, the backside of the shell is the right side. At least when I wear the necklace, the shell fetishes always flip so the mother of pearl side is towards my body. In the top photo, the top left fetish is on the wrong side, and on the bottom photo, I've flipped it so it's pearl side up. I left the others pearl side up for the photo, although the bottom right one is wrong side up.
The heishi beads (brown seed beads) are dark penshell, I think. Top left fetish flipped to the pearl side.
It used to bother me that the shell fetishes were always wrong side up, until it finally dawned on me that they are not supposed to look pearly. The wrong side IS the right side, because it looks more like fur.
I flipped a middle one to the wrong side and the bottom right one to the right side. You can see that bottom right one does not want to sit with the pearl side up.