Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

:) Thank you, ladies!

I used my husband's micrometer to measure them, Lisa. 9mm center pearl, 6mm on the ends.
Wow, Pearl Dreams! You have inspired me to check out a few of those shops in my area :)
Nice catch, PD!
Red, love the Battah necklace, and what a faboo harvest strand you have. It appears that it might go with anything!
Pearl Dreams, what a lovely find! And the price is just incredible!!

All the SSP harvest strands posted here recently are just insane.. I have seen some giant south sea keshi strands here, but those ropes of yours are just miraculous! So so different and exotic looking.

CathyKeshi, a bolero sweater with real pearls on? Oh dear, this must be quite a piece! Please someone share a photo))

It was a little night out for me yesterday, and despite our blasting heat wave I did put my baroque akoyas on. I usually wear more pearls (and clothes :D) for the night out, but in this weather just couldn't))

Baroque akoyas with pink.JPG

Baroque akoyas.JPG
PD what an amazing find! They're beautiful.

Red that strand is fabulous.
Thanks for your kind comments, everyone.

Today I am wearing a navy and white stripe top with only the white strand of SS keshi that l purchased from Eastern Trade Winds in Bali. I asked my designer to leave out the tiniest white SS keshi, and she used them to make these adorable earrings. Design and execution by Catherine at Stephen Vincent Design in Minneapolis.



Lugana you look fabulous for your night out ... oooh la la is right!

Red, those earrings are so cute, and look like they're lit from within, the glow is so bright ... beautiful!

I wore new pearls to an open air "under the stars" Aretha Franklin concert last night in Philadelphia, but no photo :)
Got some catching up to do!

Red, the harvest strand really looks great on the olive shirt! I like that it is off centered too. The matching is a secret only we know! :) And I didn't know you purchased a white ssp keshi necklace from ETW! I thought it was just those two huge, gorgeous T keshi strands! You have a nice keshi family of necklaces!!!

Laguna, what a gorgeous dress! The simple strand of pearls was all you needed to complete the look. Hope you had a good time!

PD, what a fantastic find!!! Someone who knows nothing about pearls was doing the pricing that day. I'd be stalking that place daily after a find like that.

Cathy, I'm sure your pearls enjoyed the concert! ;)
The concert was fabulous; perfect cool, breezy night for an outdoor venue; Queen Aretha put on a stunning show. Best part; got to share it with daughter and grandson :)
Aha ... found it for you, Lugana! Hope Hisano doesn't mind my reposting her photo from here from the 2015 Ruckus thread. Really this is so easy to do; just a bit of silk ribbon, and a strand of tiny pearls ... anyone could do this, once you acquire the pearls ;) PS: Marianne, what size and type was that sharp, thin beading needle you recommended?

I use a size 12 beading needle made by John James. They are 2 inches in length and have a very sharp point. They come 25 in a package. If the holes do not take a 12, the size 13 also works, but they are more likely to bend so you just need to hold them closer to the point if going through thick fabric.
Really love the work you did on that sweater, Cathy!
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THANK YOU, Marianne :) I know the John James brand, and like it. I just don't have any beading needles, or if I do, they're mixed up in a needlecase somewhere, never to be identified again ... I LOVE to do silk ribbon embroidery, and would do more if my hands were better. Send me something to put pearls on for you Marianne ;)
Lugana you look gorgeous!

Red, I love the keshi strand and the earrings, they came out beautifully. That luster is killer.

And Cathy, thanks for posting the sweater! We'd discussed it before but this is my first chance to see it, it's really beautiful. What talented hands you have! I love silk ribbon embroidery.