Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Cold and rainy here pearls and cashmere

so pearls and cashmere
So beautiful Jersey Pearl! I love your harvest rope of special pearls. The colours pop!
Pearls and cashmere were made for each other. That and octopi and mermaids.
hanadama, I love how your metallic strand looks with that grey sweater!
PD, lovely lavenders...the slight pink undertones really complement your skintone!
BW, beautiful hanadamas.
charisyl, I love your GSSP ring. I agree I also prefer pearl rings in simple settings...when viewed from the top anyway. I'm always for jewelry settings that have other more intricate angles!
JP, love your Tahitian necklace!
Today I'm wearing one of my weekend creations--I got some gorgeous peacock Tahitians from druzydesign on eBay, and then picked up some peridot and garnet beads at the local gem show on Friday to go with it. I was so excited to see the strands of garnet, it was the exact colour I was looking for to go with these pearls!

I really wanted an opera+ length but only had 7 pearls, so I had to space them out a bit. It's a little annoying when the necklace goes off-center, but I quite like it!

Garnet Tahitian peridot tin cup worn

Garnet Tahitian peridot tin cup
Today I'm wearing the round PP Tahitians I shortened for my H to wear after our D didn't want them.

He only puts them on in summer when he's wearing Hawaiian type shirts, so why should they be lonesome in their box all winter? :p

Round multicolor Tahitians from Pearl Paradise
Very nice Tahitians, Pearl Dreams! They look lovely on you! I agree they shouldn't be kept in a dark box all year waiting for H and summer!
They're gorgeous. I tend to think of T's as winter pearls. Funny that your hubby thinks of them as summer pearls.
Karman, those peacocks are luscious and you did a great job on the tin cup. Love the gemstones!

Pearl Dreams, I love seeing pictures of this strand. The original photos you posted ages ago are actually saved on my pearl inspiration board. I just love the vibrant colours and size!
35 multi-color freshwater tinies (5-5.5mm) with my Kamoka pendant

Today I wore this 35" multi-color freshwater tinies (5-5.5mm) with my Kamoka pendant (which I've posted before).
Thank you, ladies!

BWeaves, I seem to wear my T's more in summer too-- I think it has to do with the color of summer tops I tend to wear, and maybe the neckline. Also I wear a lot of silk scarves in winter which tend to cover my pearls.

Hanadama, I only hope my daughter decides she likes them someday, as she will be inheriting them!
Karman--That is a beautiful design and the colors of the peridot and garnet pull the peacock colors so beautifully. I love this.

JP--I am so happy to see your posts of your creations! You look beautiful in your tahitians and cashmere and have such a gorgeous neck for wearing pearls. Keep on posting!

Pearl Dreams--Those are most beautiful rounds! I think you should just reclaim them!

Sunseeker-That is a beautiful play on color with the pink and gray!!
Thank you JerseyPearl, hanadama and Pearly-whites :)
Beautiful Tahitians Pearl Dreams...those colours!!
SunSeeker, that strand looks great! I'm really loving the smaller pearls lately. I also knotted a rope over the weekend and I'm waiting for the right outfit to go with it.

It's interesting how we see pearls as "seasonal" pearls! I could see why PD's husband would pair them with colourful shirts, and why others would consider this as a winter pearl...For me, if I think Tahitian pearls... I think Tahiti, and warmth, and that would draw me to associate it with summer but like the colour of clothing I disregard any rules when it comes to things I wear and what season it is!