Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

WOW and wow again. Loved the enhancer with the luscious silver Tahitians. Newberry, you did it again!
BWeaves, I love that earring combo.

Newberry, gorgeous as always. Is that enhancer David Yurman? It's perfect with the silvers.
Not-quite-braided strand with the graces antique cameo :) I need 1) one of those interchangeable enhancer bails, and 2) to rig my extender to give me an extra inch or two of length so I can braid this without strangling myself.

Not-quite-braided strand with the graces antique cameo
Newberry LUV the silver strand with the enhancer!

Battah!!! There are some old threads with ladies doing really creative braiding where they anchored the loops with ribbons, which also give you more flexibility on length extension. I haven't been able to locate them but I know they exist!
SunSeeker, thank you! It's a long strand with no clasp, I just used a clip/shortener to fasten the ends together.

Purr, I was looking at that yesterday! I think the thread title is something about ways to wear a 100" rope? That's how I got the braiding instructions but I need to find some ribbon that doesn't fray at the ends. I think the poster did a lark's head knot on each end of the braid with a piece of ribbon on each end, then tied them together?
Love seeing everyone's pearls in the summer sun! I haven't had a chance to go too far back but my there are some gorgeous pearls being worn!
I love the cameo with the pearls. I didn't even realize that the cameo was NOT hanging off the pearls. It looks very much, at first glance, like it's attached.

OH pkinnew! Welcome back! I hope you are feeling better.
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Hi Pkinnew - big hugs!!!

I've been so crazy busy this summer, but WOW some gorgeous pearls being posted!!! All those luscious gss pearls, silver Tahitians with enhancers. BWeaves, your Nana's necklace and drops are always lovely to see! Cameos and tiny pearls - so lovely!

Yesterday was a double strand of akoyas held together with a 1960's gold pin my mom gave me. I just clipped the pin to the end of the strands and hoped it would hold together. Not very professional, but it worked!

double strand of akoyas held together with a 1960's gold pin
lmgarden!!! OMG we had VERY similar styling of pearls - I just posted some in Battah's brooch thread!!!
Purranha how funny!!! I just noticed the similarity!!!! Your pin is so lovely AND so much more professional!!! Soon I hope to learn how to knot a necklace - because I just bought some beautiful loose drilled pastel Tahitians from Jacques, in the hopes that I'll learn sooner than later! Perhaps I'll get some pointers at the Ruckus...
I LOVE the look of a fancy clasp / brooch worn on the side. My kinda necklace!
welcome back pkinnew...I hope all is well!!

I love the pearls...that cameo is lovely with them. I have a whole collection of cameos from my mother. They really aren't my thing, but i have to say yours looks wonderful styled with the pearls.

And that pin, WOW! LOVE THAT!!
No unfortunately it is not a David Yurman piece. But it sort of does look like one. I wish it was aqua it is a 5 carat blue topaz. I do have a matching chair of the smooth yellow gold and the twisted white gold about 40 inches long. The links are oval about the size of the little finger nail bed.
Purranha how funny!!! I just noticed the similarity!!!! Your pin is so lovely AND so much more professional!!! Soon I hope to learn how to knot a necklace - because I just bought some beautiful loose drilled pastel Tahitians from Jacques, in the hopes that I'll learn sooner than later! Perhaps I'll get some pointers at the Ruckus...
You really will be surprised at how easy it is to string pearls. I would definitely use Pattye's Beader's Secret. I think Jacques drills his pearls at 1mm, so you might want to try the heavier weight of thread...but I'm sure if you ask Pattye her opinion, she'll direct you properly! You can also try to string them on bead wire, using little silicone spacers in-between each pearl. That is a very easy way to do it...all you need are some crimp findings and a crimp tool. Alternatively, any good jeweler should be able to finish off a wire strand with a clasp in just a few minutes. But seriously, learning to string pearls on thread is so easy...If I can do it, really anyone can!
lmgarden, that's gorgeous! So you clipped the brooch over the clasp? Could I be a pain and request a photo of the back side so I can see how you did it? I'm still having brooch technical difficulties lol.

pkinnew, hi! Good to see you!

JP you should play with the cameos! I only recently became interested in them, but I'm surprised by how versatile they are. And if you wanted to share a pic or two of your collection, I wouldn't be mad at you ;)