Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Battah. Let me go search. It was eithe Rio or Bella. Need to dig out my invoice to see where did I get it from.
Battah: pic of the orbit clasps on steroids. Took it beside a measuring tape so u get the sense of size. Also included the rosE gold and silver. For colour comparison.


Need to get back on where I got it.
Ruby and Pearl - Welcome! You have wonderful pearls. :) This thread is always full of gorgeous and creative pearl jewelry.
Thanks Kalmen! I really like that size, and the colors - that rose gold is a really nice pink.
I truly love following this thread - love looking at everybody's creativity!

I'm wearing 2 Vietnamese blue akoyas strands worn as a rope with my new akoya keshi, gss & Vietnamese akoya strand (pearl cup). Also a 14mm gss 16" solitaire and a white & blue akoya tin cup. First I combined them all together then eventually removed the layers! The gss drops at the end of the rope are from Kojima.

lmgarden - LLUUUUUVVVVV the pearl medley & layers!!! The blue akoya rope works wonderfully with the GSSP drops! The multi color of the keshi tin cup really tie it all together as well. Look so fresh and summery! Love it!
Today was a metallic freshwater tin cup and my first souffle pearl. The souffle enhancer is the one in my avatar and acquired from Blaire.

metallic freshwater tin cup and my first souffle pearl
Ooohhh, Newberry those metallics really pop, and the soufflé enhancer goes beautifully with your tin cup!! Pink is your color!

Thank you all for the kind words on my layers! At dinner tonight, I actually received compliments, and they knew what type of pearls they are... I was pleasantly shocked!!
Lmgarden - love the layering!

Newberry - your metallics are sensational. The soufflé looks perfect with them.