Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

A very warm and windy Spring day in LA...
Wearing a 5-6mm blue akoya strand with a 6-7mm sliver blue akoya strand from PP. The 21mm soufflé Pearl is attached to a wg orbit clasp.

5-6mm blue akoya strand with a 6-7mm sliver blue akoya strand from Pearl Paradise
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Yikes! Sunscreen all over my neck! Oh well, gotta do it...

Here are my 9mm blue akoya studs!

9mm blue akoya studs with matching strand
Lmgarden - love the layered blues!!
Hanadama that's an amazing hat. Are the flowers real?
Newberry those strands look like a huge rope together. Fabulous!
Bweaves & Marianne - thanks so much :) I used 11/0 and 8/0 for the rope. My local bead store only had white wildfire. I might use either clear or dark thread in the future.
I also don't know why all the pictures are sideways!!??
Love the blues. Love the pendant hung on the orbit clasp. I should try that with mine instead of trying to order a backordered enhancer.
Love the tahitians.
Love the flowered crown and pearls.
Hanadama they are three separate necklaces that I just piled on. love your flower hat and pearls. You look lovely.

This rope is from Kojima in 2011. I visited Sarah and asked her to choose a colorful one for me
rope multi colored strand and white south sea.jpg

This is a peacock Tahitian rope from PP 2014
Tahitian rope from Pearl Paradise in 2014

My Blaire strand that I usually wear turned the other way with the silver drop showing 2010
Oh my, all the pretty pretty pearls, but wow, that crown on that lovely face! I enjoy all the sharing. Maybe we should have a day of ugly pearls just to counteract all this beauty!?
Thank you all for the lovely comments. Yes the flowers are real, there were lots of flowers and foliage to choose from and we made our own flower crowns using florist tape and wire. It was a lot of fun!

Jersey Pearl, thanks for the additional photos. Your Tahitians are gorgeous.

Hanadama - love the Floral crown ... you look just gorgeous!! ( for those that don't know a "hens party' is the bachelorette party..I can't remember if the term is used in America..I've lived here to long lol )

I do love the blue Akoya and always think .. " I really NEED some of those.." that beautiful Souffle looks wonderful on those strands!

Newberry - You have the BEST STUFF!!! I want those 3 fabulous Tahitian strands !
Thanks kelluvpearls for the welcome!
enbcfsobe, BWeaves and Katbran - thanks for the compliments on my bl akoyas!
Newberry and hanadama... LOVELY!

My new HG ripple!

Ripple strand
Hanadama - LUV the flowe hat!!!

Imgarden HG Ripples are amazing and you have a gorgeous strand! Love how plump they are.
I'm taking a sick day at home fighting a 101 degree fever and terrible flu, but, still. must. wear. pearls!
Wearing a doubled funky rope today.
Wearing a doubled funky rope today