Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

All so beautiful. I just the blog post on the pastel tahitians. They look beautiful.
so we are getting ready here to move house and the last stuff to get packed is my two favorite things, pearls and perfume, lol! i'm surrounded by boxes but can't seem to figure out how to pack my most treasured things! ....any ideas on how to pack collections of jewelry and perfume safely? here's two of my favorites so this isn't a text only post!! :)
yeah, i need to take the millionth trip to home depot for bubble wrap it seems, lol. i also REALLY wish i kept all the boxes my pearls came in over the years... i'm trying to keep everything from becoming a jumbled up mess!
I wrap them in Kleenex and then put them, many pieces, into a Chinese food container. You can fit a LOT of pearls in one of those containers and if they're individually wrapped, no scratching.
Why am I NOT surprised Baby Nurse snagged the pastel Tahitians? They look gorgeous on you. And the sweater, too!
From Experience lots of mini sterlite containers lined in bubble wrap :- ). I emptied the safe, and I :eek: lined mini containers then stacked them in bigger containers. When I helped my cousin move we packed her perfume the same way, she collects Waterford crystal type perfume "thingies" (decanters?), that is where I first got the idea.

Here are some pearls so this isn't a total off topic reply:


(I was doing a bit of sketching and my pup, the white fluff in the corner decided to turn around and chew my pencil as I scribbled)
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BabyNurse .. those Tahitians are absolutely gorgeous!
BPD - Love your photo ! And excellent suggestion re: packing. I'm going to be selling my house and will have to pack up "the beading room' ugh But you have definitely provided the method for packing all the 'stuff' .
FunkyPearl..I'm not looking forward to moving....I wish you luck and hope it all goes smoothly! It's a great time to get rid of things.
GG- You were so sweet feature that bracelet in your Men & pearls post.
(I sure wish I had the Snake head at the time...I can't stop admiring it :-)

BPD, that is a great photo!
From you (a pearl Queen) this is High-praise indeed! Thank you!

BPDDC, that is a super cool bracelet! I love leather and pearls.
I don't blame you for not enjoying moving. I have one tip (for being security minded regarding jewelry) if you can use the ones that are not see through it is better. You'll need to find a way to make a note of what is in each. So my cousin used colored sharpies, a strip of packing tape (to mark the box number without defacing the container), a number system and a numbered list in her cell phone.


box 1 (Purple sharpied "1"), on her cell phone list 1= Chanel handbags
box 2 (Green sharpied "2"), on her cell phone list 2= Shoes

BabyNurse .. those Tahitians are absolutely gorgeous!
BPD - Love your photo ! And excellent suggestion re: packing. I'm going to be selling my house and will have to pack up "the beading room' ugh But you have definitely provided the method for packing all the 'stuff' .
FunkyPearl..I'm not looking forward to moving....I wish you luck and hope it all goes smoothly! It's a great time to get rid of things.
Oh, Baby Nurse .... SIGH! Those are so beautiful !!! Many of us were on Jeremy's waiting list for those LOL. I love the way they look on you :)

Newberry, I wore my double nested white baroque akoyas at last year's ruckus, with their bracelet and now I've got 2 pair of earrings to match ... and it's all thanks to your advice ;) I just love your tin cup version ... how the pearls don't have chain between, just enough gold link to separate and highlight each and every precious pearl ... a masterpiece. And we LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing every word of your stories!

I well remember your double nested. It was spectacular from across the room during the presentations!!!
baby nurse -- your newest Tahitians are glorious. And your baroque akoya strand is beautiful!
My co-irkers have been drooling over The Swan, The Hamantaschen, and La Perlagrina this week. They never say anything about the full strands. I don't think they think they are real.

Beautiful weather the last two days. Mid 70's F with a cool breeze. Just perfect weather.

thanks everyone for all the great packing ideas! :)
bweaves i LOVE that pendant! what kind of chain is that on? i need one about that thick and that looks like it wouldn’t catch on my hair or scarfs either...