Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Gorgeous bracelets ladies.

Bailey - those pistachio akoyas are lovely. Do you mind sharing the strand length and pearl size?

Hi Hanadama! They are 5-6mm, 16.5 inches without the clasp and from PP's vietnamese akoya blog sale.

Thank you Madsciencechick and Hanadama. The top is from Banana Republic and needs ironing.
Thank you, LitGeek! It's so nice to see you here! Does the necklace below look familiar (imitation is the sincerest form of flattery)?

I LOVE the bracelets on the previous page-- beautiful, ladies!

Bailey, your pistachio akoyas are fantastic. I'm kicking myself for not having done the same.

Wearing my PP Tahitian and WSS strand.

Wearing my Pearl Paradise Tahitian and WSS strand
PP Tahitian strand
i love that strand baby nurse, it reminds me of a south sea strand i've seen pictures of keira knightly wearing!
Love this combination BWeaves. I'm in awe of you hanadama rope. So luxurious yet versatile and fun.
This is almost exactly a month late but here are my wedding pearls! I wore my Mikimoto akoyas and an imitation baroque pearl (Swarovski I think?) hair piece. If only the Swarovski pearls were real! It's nice and fun at any rate!

BN lovely Tahitians strand, I am starting to wonder if your pearl vault rival BAS'.
Hanadama gorgeous photos and the hair piece is beautiful, it looks very real with the different shaped pearls.
Hanadama, your wedding photos are lovely. I love the asymmetry of your hairdo and the hair ornament.
Hanadama!! You look gorgeous! Congratulations on your wedding! Your hair ornament is really lovely:)
Hanadama lovely bride and pearls. Congratulations and much happiness on your marriage.