Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Today is simple because it is errand day. My SSP Snitch.

so much yellow lighting in my house so excuse that.
The vice president of holes says I should post a picture or two. This one is all Tahitian.
Our designer made one in natural color fresh water also and we are thinking of one in natural pearls.

Tahitian cascade necklace
Oh (groan), you're all killing me with fabulous jewelry; keep going, more, more!
OOOOOO, I love the golden snitch.

I also love cameos. That necklace looks very Jane Austen.
Hi Sheri, My pleasure, dahling!

Im just sorry I don't know how to do it right in the original post...

Today, it's hotter than hell here in Florida, and it's still technically WINTER. Sigh.

I wore my white gold Mikimoto huggies with The Swan on a white gold tube knit choker. It's shorter than my yellow gold tube knit choker, so The Swan sits in a different spot on my neck.

white gold Mikimoto huggies with The Swan on a white gold tube knit choker
And, I know! re SoC return-to-the-Sea pearls.

You know who else's bucket I'd like to get into? Josh's.

Ever since watching the 2014 Ruckus video, I've been obsessed with the thought of what Celeste said is in that bucket. I want to be one of the critters on their wall, so he'd throw pearls at me, only I'd be SuperCritter, and catch all the pearls in a net.
I'd teleport home and examine my haul,
then come back again to perch on their wall.

Ha-ha, Celeste!!! See what you have set een motion, ma petite!
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Yup, I think the Swan is my favorite. The colors it puts out just kill me. And it's perfect on really hot days. I don't feel like my sunscreen is melting all over it.

Today I dug out my first BBAs from PP. Now they seem more silver to me, since I have darker blues. I'm always a little underwhelmed with them until I see them in photos, and they just glow, and then I fall in love with them all over again. I find it funny how some pearls are so hard to photograph, and yet others look better in the photos than in real life.

Tahitian Pearl Earrings.