Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

Quote by Cathykeshi
Baby Nurse ... I'm stunned by those beautiful earrings! I had Burmese pearls in my hands at the ruckus, and as I'd just gotten white baroque akoyas, passed on those. I was wrong LOL. Gorgeous, and what a great second photo!

Cathy, we all have those experiences. What it comes down to, for me anyway, is you simply can't buy everything!

Thank you for the kind words, btw!
Good reminder Baby Nurse LOL! And I do LOVE my white baroque akoyas very very very much, and feel so lucky to have them. But, as a favor, can you post that reminder again every week or so ???
Quote by CathyKeshi
Good reminder Baby Nurse LOL! And I do LOVE my white baroque akoyas very very very much, and feel so lucky to have them. But, as a favor, can you post that reminder again every week or so ???

Sure thing, Cathy :p. Better yet, I'll be the voice of reason when we're all trying to power shop at the next Ruckus! Yes. You can count on me :rolleyes:

Or, I can give in and do what comes naturally; enable away lol.
Good reminder Baby Nurse LOL! And I do LOVE my white baroque akoyas very very very much, and feel so lucky to have them. But, as a favor, can you post that reminder again every week or so ???

Isn't that what you were wearing during the presentations at the Ruckus? I was blinded by their luster and absolutely green with envy, since I'd passed on them, too!
Thanks, Pearl Dreams and Bailey! They were announced on either the PP Blog or FB page this past summer. I moved quickly and asked to have a pair put aside, knowing they wouldn't be around for long.
Baby Nurse ... enabling at another ruckus ... oh, yes, that would be better ... I look forward to it!
BAS, yes, I was wearing the white baroque akoyas, and very lucky to have them; you can borrow them anytime :)
It's part of what makes Pearl-Guide such a great place ... the individual and delightful differences in our pearl collections.
I hope you can as well, JP! It's absolutely worth everything you can do to get there. I was there in 2014 but missed the last one because I had a last minute emergency and had to cancel : ( I have incredible memories from the one I did attend though!
BabyNurse wow love all your new pearls!!! The gold akoyas are stunning and the and the Burmese white south sea are exquisite.

This years ruckus is going to be ultimate show and tell with everyone's pretties. I for one can't wait ;)
I haven't worn this petite FW pendant with 2 small diamonds in so many years. I was reminded of it while chatting with a P-G friend recently, and fished it out of my jewelry box this morning.

My mother gave me this pendant for Christmas, 1986.

petite rice FW pendant with 2 small diamonds
That's a delicate and very lovely little memory for you, Pearl Dreams :)
Thank you both! It is bringing back good memories of Mom.

I actually did try layering it with some FW keshi, but it was dwarfed by the other pearls. That's okay; I like it on its own. :)
BWeaves, love your blues with that outfit! Gorgeous.

Baby Nurse those are beautiful studs, and they are the perfect size for you!