Show Me Your Fancy Color Metallic Freshwater Pearls!!

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I’ll try again. I have some 2008 metallics/exotics, bought second-hand a decade-plus later. The necklace is very short but I’m lucky to have some strands of small pearls from Pattye with a generous sprinkling of metallics. Now I’ll try to post a before-disassembling photo, because the pearls came with the PP certificate, and will ultimately be different.
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The photos look great Lisa c. And the pearls are smashing!
Thanks Pattye, Charlotta for your sweet compliments.
Great luster on those metallics, lisa c.
Aarrrgghhh it takes some adjustments to navigate this new format of PG. Hope I get used to it soon. :rolleyes:
WE really tried hard to keep things the way they have always been...but the System's Update made some things change, hopefully for the better!
I’m going to try again. I think the problem is my sizing
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Well, not so great. Ok, this is better; if I can enlarge it on my phone and see the clear reflection, it’s a Win.
Click image for larger version  Name:	A71BDFF8-8F63-4917-896C-BC3258AAAAB2.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	124.0 KB ID:	450590
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Click image for larger version  Name:	877E5680-F9B0-4DE9-A73B-3EC500470866.jpeg Views:	12 Size:	64.3 KB ID:	450602
Click image for larger version  Name:	877E5680-F9B0-4DE9-A73B-3EC500470866.jpeg Views:	12 Size:	64.3 KB ID:	450602
I don’t know how you guys re-write websites and such, I’m grateful and have a lot of respect for what you’ve done.

I’m also grateful all of our pearlies have patience, and I haven’t gotten the boot, for messing-up and -about, as I learn.

Here are some of the potential add-on pearlsp for the PP 2008 strand, from fortunate “Pattye” purchases.
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I’m really sweating these website changes, so may I say WOW, I can’t believe how gorgeous all of y’alls pearls are!!! To infinity!
these are gorgeous! I would love to see a current pic of you wearing them? Im thinking a nice edison rope will be my next pearl buy for myself!

Wow, gorgeous pearls, Newberry! Love those first soufflé pearls!

I was planning on wearing my fabulous baby Edison rope, but I couldn't find that darn safe deposit box key. So it's an old photo. Still looking for the key, of course!

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I love peach and pinks as well. Here is my peach strand. The little diamond/gold clasp is one of my favorites. 14K Gold 3mm Rondels.
Check out more pictures of my collection on "My Pearling Story" in the thread: Show Us Your Pearls.