Shouldn't the double strands be touching?


New Member
Sep 8, 2007
I just received this freshwater 7.5-8mm double strand AAA upgrade. I'm thinking I was expecting the strands to touch. What do you think? I had in mind two strands that were laying side by side and not one hanging down. The image on the site showed the pearls laying side by side on the velvet display. Thanks for your input!

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I wouldn't want the strands to touch, personally-- the pearls would rub against each other as you moved. Surely that would not be so good for the nacre, over time.

I like the way those look.
I agree with Pearl Dreams; yours looks quite nice.

In fact, I have the exact opposite problem with a double-strand necklace. The strands touch and shift about in the most sloppy way. So now I'm going to get them restrung so they lay down like yours.
I agree it looks lovely on your neck. I think you should have them how you want them. As long as you aren't particularly rough when wearing them, and they are of a good quality they should be fine. The pearls that lie closer to the nape of the neck will in all likelihood be touching anyway, so the wear and tear would be consistent.
I agree with you. I would make them a bit closer together (and getting it just right is why I hate multi strand necklaces and will do anything I can to avoid having to make them). If it's any comfort, HM The Queen has a problem just the same with her pearls. One necklace of three strands nests closely and another has an outside strand which hangs just that smidge too long. I itch to sort it for her!
I think it is a matter of personal taste whether they touch or there is a space between the strands. I have several multiple strand necklaces most have the space but my preferance is that they touch. I would make a call to the vendor and ask to send the necklace back for it to be restrung if that is what you desire. The bottom line here is you should be happy with your necklace.
I agree on most counts. Typically strands are nested, but it is always a matter of personal choice. Some people want them nested close, others prefer them with a bit of a space.
I think that spacing looks nice for a double strand. I like triples and I am only happy when they nest touching perfectly. I think the answer is whatever makes you happy!
I prefer mine to be touching/nesting myself, as shown in this pic of the PP Freshadama 8-9mm double that I had:


The necklace was new when the pic was taken, hence the strings had not "relaxed".

DK :)
There is no rule per say, just what makes you happy. I prefer my white rounds nested, but I would definitely choose to have Tahitian or South Sea baroques with a space between them. Hisano (Pearl Paradise) did a perfect job with my Freshadama/Metallic AAA double strand! They are very comfortable to wear and I don't feel like the strands are rubbing together when worn.

Ok....THAT is the necklace I was looking for. What size are those?
It is all personal preference. For myself, I like shorter strands to touch. 24" and up, I prefer some space.
I agree, it's all about personal taste. I like the shorter necklaces to almost touch b/c I life the separation to highlight the individual strands; just like knotting separates individual pearls. But for longer strands, I think more space looks better. ..but just my personal preference. Dk168, your necklace is just beautiful!!
Always fun seeing your beautiful necklaces again, DK and LitGeek., and your new one, Danachit. I feel when the strands are closely nested the necklace seems more formal, separated, a bit more casual, in the same way a long rope looped around can seem less formal.

And I completely agree, it's personal preference! Let us know if you decide to wear them awhile like they are, or restring~so feminine and pretty in your lacy top and white pearls.