A. Jones, they are from PO.

I bought another strand from them for my wife at a higher price point, but I haven't received it yet (and won't for a little while). I am still am shopping though. I would love to get something for my wife that is on par with the pearls on my cufflinks.
Lisa C. Thanks, my wife really likes the shape of them too. From a couple of feet away, this strand has a round appearance. Even though it has some light to moderate spotting--most of the affected pearls are higher up on the strand and there are no really deep or nasty scares or blemishes. You know--the more I think about it, I think I am going to keep these.
Pattye: It is definitely the same necklace as the one in the picture--but as I am sure you know, it's soooo hard to judge pearls based on pictures. The pictures I took are .raw files that I converted to .jpg (for anyone who is a photographer) and I did NO editing at all. With good lighting and a little messing around with any editing software, I could probably duplicate the look she achieved in the picture. I can't knock her for it though--every single jewelry vendor with few exceptions use professional equipment, lighting, photoboxes and photoshop software (I shouldn't limit this to jewelry---but I should include the entire fashion, accessory and jewelry industries). I have never opened a box and saw a product that looked exactly like the one i saw in a magazine ad. Some stuff is more doctored than others--I actually don't think PO did a whole lot to this picture, just favorable lighting, and a little tweaking to the exposure and contrast.
As for the cufflinks, PP absolutely exceeded my expectations on them. IMO, the cufflinks I received exceed the ones pictures on PP's site. I have a cufflink collection and these went straight to the top---beating out my lucky 1960's vintage mikimoto pair. If your son wears french cuffs and would appreciate nice quality pearls (a lot of men won't unfortunately), I would definitely get them for him. If you're going to buy a man pearls, tahitians are the way to go!
Funny story, about my lucky Mikimotos cufflinks (which are 7.5mm akoyas btw). My wife sent me down to make a clothing donation at a local thrift shop after she made me clean out my closet. While I was waiting for a receipt, I started going through a pile of cufflinks that were on the side of the counter--mostly cheap old brass and steal stuff. I found the mikis in the pile. They were asking $25 for them because they were made out of silver (obviously the store had no idea what they were actually selling). Because they were badly tarnished, I got them to knock the price down to $15. I brought them to Mikimoto in NYC, who confirmed they were real and cleaned them up for free. I have seen similar ones sold on ebay for around $200-300, so good deal!! The style is a little dated, but I wear them whenever I need a little luck on my side. They haven't failed me yet.