Should they stay or should they go????

They are lovely - they look a lot more expensive than the first lot. Are they from the same place?

Are you going to return the first lot?
Well I really liked the first one and I love this one! Personally as a 62 yr old mum of two boys (men....but boys to me always!) I would be thrilled if they gave me that necklace! Well done, good job, perfect present! btw what happened to the first one you bought?

Offering yourself up for adoption, Kat?;)
Hi guys, I still have the first strand, but I am going to be returning it. The first is a nice strand and a great value, but these are clearly finer pearls. They have a metallic silver appearance in person which doesn't well in the pictures. The overtones and orient are strong in person and show well in the pictures. The winning strand is a from a B lot, albeit probably the best of the B's (under the Tahitian system) and they are from a different seller than the first strand and they were under $600. I have never gotten my mom really nice jewelry before, so I wanted this strand to be particularly special. I have a third strand actually that I haven't posted pictures of yet which was somewhere between the first strand and this final strand in quality. I am buying a strand for my wife as well, which I am still shopping for. I wish the seller had a second strand like this, but this strand was a one shot deal and all his other strands are a bump up in quality and, unfortunately, price. Mom's birthday is today, so she's the lucky winner of this contest. I'll post the creation I am working on for my wife sometime later this month. :-). Hopefully it turns out as beautiful in reality as it is in my imagination. :-)
First, what cuties those kids are!!! Second, I thought the first necklace was great, but wow, I'm amazed that you got such a good second necklace at that price. Great job. Mom has to love it! :cool:
Amanda, When you ask Grandma Pattye a question like that, you pretty much know what the answer will be, lol!

Actually, my mother's beginning to drop the world's most subtle hints - along the lines of Isaac now being 6... fertility dropping after 35.... (I'm not quite 35 yet, but not decades away). I think she might have grandmotherly-ambitions still unmet, too (-:

This strand is from American Pearl, the first two from pearl oasis. I got lucky on this strand because in nabbed it before it went online and it was the only near round AA (their grading system) they have had in while. The next closest strand in price was a quite a bit more, but also jumps to AAA.

I haven't posted picture of the second strand from pearl oasis yet. Unfortunately, that one is in my office so pictures will have to wait until next week. That one was purchased as a set (necklace and earring) which was also a nice value. The necklace has some blemishes including some white pits. They aren't noticeable unless you are looking for them. This one came in on Thursday from pearl oasis and I was really happy with it until I saw the third strand... Now I am ruined. The second pearl oasis strand also came with 10.5mm peacock earring that are stunning. To me, it felt like i was buying the earring and getting the necklace for free. The earring were that much better... They were comparable in quality to my AAA cufflinks from PP (the necklace was not). I usually
like to match the necklace and earring at the same time, but i think i am going to end up forgoing the earrings for my wife and i will put my whole budget into the necklace. I think that's the only way i am going to get exactly what i want. This will also give me the added bonus of simplifying my Holiday shopping next year. :-)
Great deal, good looking pearls! Please let us know the reaction of your mother and maybe a neck picture of her wearing them?
Blimey, you've been on a huge tahitian-pearl shopping spree!

When you get the chance, it'd be lovely to see the third strand, too.
Aww.. thanks lisa. Today is actually her 9 Month Birthday. :) I can't believe how big she's gotten. I took that video in August and she's a completely different baby now (just as cute though!!). I am going to have to be really careful about not spoiling her. She's perfect--well, except for the fact that she still get up 3 to 4 times a night on average!!!

9 months to 18 months is a huge jump - she's doubled in age, remember!

this was Isaac at 8 months old:


and at 18 months:


and he didn't sleep through the night regularly until he was nearly 6. Sadly.
issac was an adorable baby!! Could have done Ferber commercials.

Adeline, I would be tempted to keep them all, but my AmEX bill says otherwise. I am like the US government when it come to budgets. Everything ends up costing twice my budget. :-). I have seven hour to go until mom gets her present. :-)
Moved LOVED the pearls!!! This is the first gift I have given here in years that she doesn't plan on returning. Here only complaint (Can you imagine?) was that the strand was a bit too long--it was 18" and she likes wearing 16" necklaces. I told her I would get her a shortening clasp so problem solved. :) Anyway, she's one happy camper now. Michelle's necklace is next up on the list---I still don't have a strand for her. :( I have my work cut out for me because her B-day is in two weeks!!
What are your shopping criteria? Another Tahitian? I notice you do not seem to have found, yet Why not look at strands from a specialist?
Moved LOVED the pearls!!! This is the first gift I have given here in years that she doesn't plan on returning. Here only complaint (Can you imagine?) was that the strand was a bit too long--it was 18" and she likes wearing 16" necklaces. I told her I would get her a shortening clasp so problem solved. :) Anyway, she's one happy camper now. Michelle's necklace is next up on the list---I still don't have a strand for her. :( I have my work cut out for me because her B-day is in two weeks!!

Glad to hear your Mum liked them - result!