Sooooo, I'm a bit late to posting since Thanksgiving has been busy for me.
I slowing raise my hand, with a hint of guilt, confess that I've done some damages!
To begin with, BN and Amti - we are baroque akoya triplets now. I picked up 1 strand of 9.5-10mm baroque akoya since I already have two strands of 9-9.5mm from a few years back. I'll enjoy them individually for a while, but there is definitely plan for a 54" tassel conversion - stay tuned!!!

I wonder who picked up the remaining 2 strands??? Haha we need to figure out who's in the pod!
Sooo... the edison strands. hmm. haha. I kept my fingers on the refresh button for god knows how long...

I nabbed 52 (medium bronze) and 54 (deep multi-shade bronze). I kept on thinking I would want a dark purple strand, but somehow kept on going back to the bronze strands as they have the crazy fancy multi-tone color shifting property to them while the darker strands looked more uniform-toned to me. So I'm gonna call my bronze strands Fancy Unicorn colors!

(OMG, for those of you who are familiar with Eclipse the fancy unicorn, lol I guess these two strands shall be named Eclipse? hmm) And BAS! We are Edison twins! Need to figure out who else got strands!
I don't have any of them yet - still need to figure out clasp situation before they can ship. So will be a few days before I can share pics. But haha yah I'm slightly freaking out with excitement!!! Can anyone here me go WWWHHHHEEEEE WHEE WHHEEEEEEE WWHHHEEEEEEEEEE???