Share your Pearl Paradise Private Launch Purchases!

BW, Your kojima strands are beautiful!!

Purr, I love the pairings with the new Edisons!! So many choices.
I'm loving everyone's photos!

A digression from the main topic...feel free to skip this post.

No buys for me this time around...I had to pay a tree removal service $$$$ Monday to remove 3 trees in our front yard that threatened our roof and our power lines. I was particularly sad to have to lose the birch tree, which we've enjoyed for the past 24 years, but it was diseased and only a matter of time.... Some of our neighbors voiced their dismay at seeing it cut down. Odd, one doesn't think that neighbors care about one's trees. But they walk their dogs past our house every day and it was part of their neighborhood. Trees move us in a deep way.

A few years ago we hired this same company to remove 3 other tall trees in our back yard and one in the side yard, for the same reason-- they loomed over our roof and our neighbor's driveway. I imagined their cars being wrecked, if a huge branch broke off our silver maple, which is a brittle tree. (When I was a child, our neighbor's tree demolished the roof of our two car garage.) Two weeks after we had those trees removed, a microburst came through the town, doing a lot of damage. We dodged a bullet that time!

Anyway, please keep the photos coming! :D
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I feel for you PD. We've already removed 2 trees from our front yard that were planted too near the house by the original landscaper. They seriously had no clue that trees GROW. The big oak in our front yard probably has its days numbered, too. Its roots are raising the driveway and the sidewalk, and Greg just removed a bunch of limbs that were hanging over the sidewalk and street. It's already strangled our sewage pipes and we had to remove a bunch of roots. It seriously cut into my pearl budget. Ha!
*off topic continues*

That is exactly what I was thinking, BWeaves! All these trees right next to the house, when the lot is large enough that they could have been planted further back...why?! The houses on our street were all were built from around 1959-1962 and many of those trees are now very tall.

Then just before Thanksgiving my H had the week from Hades. It began with his seeing flashing lights...I have had this and know it could be the retina detaching, as it was for his father. (Or just the vitreous detaching, as in my case.) So he had to see an eye specialist on an emergency basis in case he needed laser surgery to preserve his vision. (Thankfully he did not.)
The same week he developed a toothache and needed a root canal. On the way to that appointment, we stopped at Walmart to pick up his antibiotics. While there he twisted his knee (a re-injury) and tore his meniscus! Good thing I had a cane in the trunk. I drove him to orthopedic urgent care the next day.

The man canceled his follow-up appointment for the knee, not wanting an MRI. So of course now he is not sleeping well at night...knee pain. I suggested he reschedule the ortho...we'll see. :rolleyes:
Believe me I understand the Health challenges cutting into the pearl budget :(! That has been the last two years!

Can't say the same about the trees now here in the City, but when I was much younger back in the south I always marveled why the trees were so close to the house when there was enough yard to create wind breaks and shading etc without risking damage from falling branches. Thinking back on it basically every relative that comes to mind had trees really close to the house (which is how we could sneak in and out of the house...sorry mom).

Back on topic...I did get really teeny tiny akoya earrings even smaller than PP normal 3.5-4mm for holiday gifts, but now that I've seen them I wished they offer the teeny tiny akoya in "black" or even cwfp for that matter. I've added Ursula for size comparisons

tiny akoya studs with monster edison pearl

*off topic continues*

That is exactly what I was thinking, BWeaves! All these trees right next to the house, when the lot is large enough that they could have been planted further back...why?! The houses on our street were all were built from around 1959-1962 and many of those trees are now very tall.

Then just before Thanksgiving my H had the week from Hades. It began with his seeing flashing lights...I have had this and know it could be the retina detaching, as it was for his father. (Or just the vitreous detaching, as in my case.) So he had to see an eye specialist on an emergency basis in case he needed laser surgery to preserve his vision. (Thankfully he did not.)
The same week he developed a toothache and needed a root canal. On the way to that appointment, we stopped at Walmart to pick up his antibiotics. While there he twisted his knee (a re-injury) and tore his meniscus! Good thing I had a cane in the trunk. I drove him to orthopedic urgent care the next day.

The man canceled his follow-up appointment for the knee, not wanting an MRI. So of course now he is not sleeping well at night...knee pain. I suggested he reschedule the ortho...we'll see. :rolleyes:
I didn't get any code at all :( I know it said to comment for the code but also that it would be sent out to VIPs.

I found the code offer to be confusing, as well. I thought you would select an item and then request a code that would be applied specifically to that item. Also, I keep forgetting about new releases to the VIP section. I'm a lazy shopper, apparently.

Wondering if PP will do another 12 Days of Christmas this year.
Believe me I understand the Health challenges cutting into the pearl budget :(! That has been the last two years!

Can't say the same about the trees now here in the City, but when I was much younger back in the south I always marveled why the trees were so close to the house when there was enough yard to create wind breaks and shading etc without risking damage from falling branches. Thinking back on it basically every relative that comes to mind had trees really close to the house (which is how we could sneak in and out of the house...sorry mom).

Back on topic...I did get really teeny tiny akoya earrings even smaller than PP normal 3.5-4mm for holiday gifts, but now that I've seen them I wished they offer the teeny tiny akoya in "black" or even cwfp for that matter. I've added Ursula for size comparisons

View attachment 63822

Ursula's enamel is such a GORGEOUS shade of purple!!! BPDDC did you grab a purple edison strand (or two or three) to go with Ursula??? :eek:
I found the code offer to be confusing, as well. I thought you would select an item and then request a code that would be applied specifically to that item. Also, I keep forgetting about new releases to the VIP section. I'm a lazy shopper, apparently.

Wondering if PP will do another 12 Days of Christmas this year.

I think there were a number of codes running around.
I think yes you can request for specific codes for any/every item on the PP website during that particular week (if they are unique).
Then they occasionally post items they select with the specific codes onto the VIP section to showcase them.
Then there was the Edisons codes.
Then there were the Jeremy's pick codes.

VIP Pearl Items I actually have the budget left to buy: maybe 1

VIP Pearl Items I wish I had the budget left to buy: 5718789175891728312098
Ooh Purranha you made my day! Thank you for confirming the colors of your Edisons; those are indeed the colors I had my eye on :) Love the Edison GSS pairing too, but I agree with you I like then best on their own or with those big ripples. Enjoy!!!
So Kojima came out with two T necklaces for today and were under holiday sale and one was exactly what I've wanted for forever - a dark blue/purple strand... I made mention to DH and noted the sale, and mysteriously it sold five minutes later.

I am seriously hoping I see that thing under the tree.
Yes, you need to keep checking the PP VIP launch site daily for updates, which clearly some of us are doing. I've just added it to my daily pearl site checking rotation.
I have no idea how to share glamour shots.

With Kojima I do a screen print of the pearls and save it in Microsoft Paint, crop and then you can upload the picture as usual. It's nice to post the picture because links will sometimes disappear.
So, I will have to catch up on this thread, but in the meantime, just want to say that I will look forward to seeing some of your Edisons in person! The colors are unreal.

Jesskat- fingers crossed for you!
I'm loving everyone's photos!

A digression from the main topic...feel free to skip this post.

No buys for me this time around...I had to pay a tree removal service $$$$ Monday to remove 3 trees in our front yard that threatened our roof and our power lines. I was particularly sad to have to lose the birch tree, which we've enjoyed for the past 24 years, but it was diseased and only a matter of time.... Some of our neighbors voiced their dismay at seeing it cut down. Odd, one doesn't think that neighbors care about one's trees. But they walk their dogs past our house every day and it was part of their neighborhood. Trees move us in a deep way.

A few years ago we hired this same company to remove 3 other tall trees in our back and side yard, for the same reason-- they loomed over our roof and our neighbor's driveway. I imagined their cars being wrecked, if a huge branch broke off our silver maple, which is a brittle tree. (When I was a child, our neighbor's tree demolished the roof of our two car garage.) Two weeks after we had those trees removed, a microburst came through the town, doing a lot of damage. We dodged a bullet that time!

Anyway, please keep the photos coming! :D

PD: Wow 3 trees at once, that's a major undertaking! We just had a very large hackberry (at least 40-50 ft tall) cut down in our front yard before Thanksgiving. I was surprised at how sad it made me feel to cut down a mature tree, I'm sure it was planted when our house was built ~50 years ago. The trunk was rotting out, around half of the diameter of the trunk was already gone when we bought the house. The previous owner chose to treat the tree by spraying expandable foam in the hole and painting it the color of the bark. Uhhh....... dude, really!? Even though the tree wasn't dead and seemed to bloom each spring, I was so scared the tree would fall back on our house or someone's car in our front yard. Every time the weather would change and the wind would pick up, or after heavy rain, small to medium dead branches would fall and I'd get that feeling of dread. So between cutting down the tree, grinding the stump ~2 feet below the ground, and buying another tree to be planted (gotta plant my roots sometime!), we don't have a huge budget for Christmas this year. But luckily I can live vicariously through everyone else! And plan out my list for the future. Having a well-kept home is a gift right?
CBPearllover, you were wise to cut it down. The safety of the home comes first.

We used to have such nice shade to sit under in our back yard and my husband was particularly distressed at losing his shade. We put up a Coleman canopy but it's a poor substitute. I would like to put in a ginkgo tree, but further back in the yard. Maybe this spring.
I fear our aspen trees may soon be receiving the same fate -- it's too bad to see them go, but sometimes it just happens. :( Sorry to hear about your trees - and do share if you find a good substitute for the shade as well.