Private Offer List

Hi Jeremy and Josh, I too would like to be added to your private offer lists if possible. Many thanks!
Adding my name to those who would be interested in a private offer list from Josh (since your mailbox is full, lol)

Also I would like to once again express my gratitude to Jeremy for his exceptional generosity towards all of the NCNs here.
Holymolyguacamole! What have I done?

OK, everyone. I've started a list and cleared my inbox. Please PM with email addresses.

Also please understand that this isn't for right away. I'm not yet set up to even show the pearls I hope to offer. The pearls will have to come from definitely more than one harvest to accommodate everyone. Remember too that these are Tahitians, not freshwaters. I don't plan to have strands at this point, well, not many anyway. We'll see.
I'm just thinking maybe it's easier to open a new gmail account just for this list and limit it to a certain number of people ... that's what Jeremy did last time and it's certainly less confusing than random PMs and posts here.
Josh said:
Holymolyguacamole! What have I done?

Wow! And it's all going to be unusually beautiful and unique stuff "at cost" or "almost" just like PP offers!! That's really generous of you Josh. I think I can speak for everyone on this forum and say thanks in advance. That's really really generous of you!! Aubergines! True blues!! Maybe even reds!!! All at cost!!!!

I was going to get something from Care Ehret for Xmas but now forget about that, I'm going to wait....

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Oooh, I would like to be added to yours too Josh! I know I'm on the PP one. I will send you an e-mail.
I'm in awe of the pearls that Mia brought back. Wow. Jeremy, I can't wait to see what you decide to do with them!

Josh, add me to you private offer list too. I'll send you a PM.
jshepherd said:
But I sent Mia to China for a week to go to factory after factory after factory and collect every exotic she could.

Such dedicated pearl hunters. Thank you Jeremy and Mia!:)

Any idea when those pearls will be offered? I am trying to decide if I should order the tahitian "P" bracelet to go with my baroque strand or wait because a private offer will be coming out soon.

Does anyone know if P. Paradise did their X-mas special email? On another thread it sounded like they might have, but I didn't get anything.
We did send out the special, but it went to the commercial list not the private offer list. Please email Kirsten ( to get a copy of the link and the discount codes.

We are trying to determine the best way to offer the exotics. But unfortunately unless we offered them unstrung and without photos I really do not think there is any way we would be able to release them until January. I was hoping to do it in November but Mia's trip was pushed back to the last week of November, and then it took another week to drill and match the pearls. That put us into the Christmas season which already means 18-hour days, seven days a week.

It isn't right for all of you at PP to be working such long days that you yourselves can't enjoy the season or your families.

I for one am perfectly content to wait. Please, take some time off. We do love our pearls, but we can enjoy the ones we already have as we wait for the next batch to be available!

I hope the others will concur.
Josh said:
The pearls will have to come from definitely more than one harvest to accommodate everyone. Remember too that these are Tahitians, not freshwaters. I don't plan to have strands at this point, well, not many anyway. We'll see.

Well as long as you have enough for everyone! You can't just offer up a few strands or a few pearls to a few chosen people here and there. That would be terribly disappointing and elitist, and not exactly a LIST item. It would be just regular selling. You have to have quite a lot of unusual stuff that nobody else carries and have enough of it to go around to all the people interested. And the price has to be "cost", which I'm sure you will do because quite a few of us here know the market very well and have plenty of other good sources.

Sorry, I just can't wait! I am bubbling with joy. Like I said before, forget about buying from Care Ehret and your other distributors. I'm waiting to get me stuff from the SOURCE!!! YaY!!

I think we are perfectly happy to wait till whenever you're ready to release the exotics. It's very generous of you to hunt for these pearls with no real profit, and we really can't justify pushing you harder than your usual business is already making you.

BTW, do you guys take Christmas off at all? I was thinking of making another order around then to be delivered in mid-late Jan as I'm not around to take delivery.
I emailed Kirsten and the email arrived. I have the sent to work (bad girl I know) as I'm always at my computer, but we got a new system and I think it sent it to junk mail before I saw it. Yahoo account to the rescue. A little off topic, but does anyone know if Outlook will accept formerly labeled ?junk? email if the sender is added to the address book?

BTW, no pressure to the P. Paradise crew, just trying to plan my finances. I see that baroque bracelet in my future.
I just sent the email to the private offer list so everyone will have the link. If anyone is supposed to be on that list and the email does not arrive in the next hour or so, please let me know. I do not want anyone to miss out on the exotics in January.

We DO take Christmas off here. We are going to close doors on 22nd. Most of us will disappear until the first of January. But until then it is go, go, go!
jshepherd said:
We DO take Christmas off here. We are going to close doors on 22nd. Most of us will disappear until the first of January. But until then it is go, go, go!

I figured you were busy, Been busy here too (that is why I have not asked about it before now)

I did Get the memo. :p Have a great Holiday you and your staff DO deserve it.. Noone ever said that giving great customer service and being and honest businessman was easy... :D

HI Josh
Please put me on that list---but I am wondering- how do you handle the export and inspection and everything for so many little orders? It sounds un-do-able to me. I heard the freight from Tahiti is quite expensive. I really would like to understand this.
Caitlin Williams said:
HI Josh
Please put me on that list---but I am wondering- how do you handle the export and inspection and everything for so many little orders? It sounds un-do-able to me. I heard the freight from Tahiti is quite expensive. I really would like to understand this.

Hi Caitlin,

I'm SURE Josh has thought of all that. I mean, it would be pretty silly to offer all us PG-ers his Tahitian goodies and then have to tell us he can't do it. The dude will find a way!! Otherwise it would just be like toying with our pearl-love. And that's bad.

And thanks for bringing up the freight and tax thing from Tahiti. I think it would be really great if Josh explain that to us in more detail. A lot of us are a bit confused about it---I know I am.

Josh, can you also tell us a bit more about the unusual pearls that await all (must be over a hundred people already). Drool. Drool.

Anything that did not fit in the mellow pages middle of a mail catalog should be great! :cool: Never seen exactly what comes out of the water from the first to the last shell and sure want to. ;)

That mailing and customs task could be the equivalent of Christmas Coal for someone if it gets allotted now. :(