Private Offer List

Hi Caitlin and Slraep,
To answer you question of whether it will hurt my future lots to take these pearls out: I don't think so. We are talking about .5% that I esteem to be wowpearls. There are more of course but the criteria are severe. Also, a bulk pearl buyer's job is to estimate the value of pearls presented. If I yanked all my A and B's I would never be able to sell my lot.

As for the dispatching of the pearls, don't you all worry your pretty heads about it.

I will have to pay tax on all the pearls exported which adds up to 200CFP/g the equivalent of $2.40USD. A 9mm pearl usually weighs about 1.2g. The big ones can weigh up to 8g but then again, they aren't the same price either.

Freight is about $350 USD to send 500g or less, each additional 500g is about $300 more. The value of the insurance increases with the value of the pearls. All that is with FedEx. The most sure way to go but not the cheapest. Of course if I went to the States I would carry them and not pay all that money.

I wrote a post last night but for some reason it never found it's way to the board. In it I said that I plan to give priority to active users who make P-G the excellent source of info it is today, whether by their information or by their thoughtful questions. I don't know if I'm breaking rules again but if I'm not, this is how I'd like it.
I did get the privat offer email, but I added Jeremy and Kirsten to my contacts list, so still not sure what happened, just glad it's working now.:)

I cannot wait to see these pearls. I keep telling myself I have untreated lavendar baroques, I need to go for golden or brown, but I know I'll be after purples. Do they make a pill for this?
Josh said:
Hi Caitlin and Slraep,

To answer you question of whether it will hurt my future lots to take these pearls out: I don't think so. We are talking about .5% that I esteem to be wowpearls. There are more of course but the criteria are severe. Also, a bulk pearl buyer's job is to estimate the value of pearls presented. If I yanked all my A and B's I would never be able to sell my lot.

Hi Josh,

What would .5% roughly be of a total harvest for you? That doesn't seem like much. You can't just trickle some pearls here, and some pearls there, to a few people at a time, for months and months. That would not be a "list item". And I hope you are not saying something like that. That doesn't make any sense.

So, I am also asking, what kind of item will be offered and what will make it unusual? Will it be the colour? The size? The insane orient? (Yes, some Tahitians have orient even if you strongly disagree). The shape? Can you put up a preview pic like Jeremy does with his "list items"? Please. Please. Josh.

Pearl_dreams said:
Alas, the only "pill" for this is irridescent, and often comes in a strand.:p

Not helping! You're talking to NCNs here.

Actually with Josh's list I'm not sure what the logistics would be as the actual volume is yet undetermined. In the meantime, I'm just happy with having pretty pictures to drool over.
Raisondetre said:
Not helping! You're talking to NCNs here....

NCNs? :confused:

I googled this acronym and got these:

National Caricature Network
Network for Computational Nanotechnology (I like that one)
Nonprofit Communications Network
No Credit Needed
and, for fans of Robin Hood......New College Nottingham!

Something tells me none of these is what you meant by NCNs, though. LOL!!

Can I still be a Nacre Coated Nut if I'm already (according to my 12 year old daughter) the Tourmaline Queen?:D
Organics and Minerals are two totally different things, so why not be Queen of both? The Queen sets the rules!;) If that doesn't go over with your daughter, then this line settles every argument:
"Because I'm the mother."
Lots of spin on NCN. I should have copyrighted this acronym the first time I used it. ;)
Eli says thanks.

Happy holidays to you to the team and to all the PG members,

Hee Hee, that mine is actually part of the family joke!

I first learned of the Tourmaline Queen mine from the article "History of the Tourmaline Queen Mine" in the Sept/Oct. 2002 issue of The Mineralogical Record entitled "California Pegmatites". The article has stunning color plates of the specimens, including the "Beer Cans" (the 2 cylinders stacked at right angles, in the article you linked to.) "The Rabbit Ears" and the "The Steamboat" are from that mine as well.

We saw "The Candelabra" during our visit to the Smithsonian 2 years ago, and one of the mine's other blue-cap specimens in a touring exhibit at the Bruce Museum (Greenwich, Connecicut) --I'd sure love to have a blue capped specimen in my humble collection! [font =wistful].
Freight is about $350 USD to send 500g or less, each additional 500g is about $300 more.

Hi Josh
You can leave me on your list so I can look and daydream, but I am out of the running with freight like that!
Josh said:
Freight is about $350 USD to send 500g or less, each additional 500g is about $300 more. The value of the insurance increases with the value of the pearls. All that is with FedEx. The most sure way to go but not the cheapest. Of course if I went to the States I would carry them and not pay all that money.

Good Lord! What if I only want one pearl?? And I'd have to pay Canadian government taxes, duty and handling fees on my side ON TOP OF THE SHIPPING FEES(in USD!)!! If I saved a little more money, I could buy myself an 11-12mm gem quality Freshadama necklace!

You'd come to the U.S., all the way from Tahiti just to distribute unusual pearls to us P-Gers that you weren't making any money on?? Wow, now that's some service! Awesome.

Yeah!!! I just found out I am on Jeremy's and Josh's private offer lists.
Thank you Jeremy and Josh!!!

No problem pearllove. Thanks for keeping it positive.

Regarding the freight costs, that is what it costs for ordinary orders that I send out. My current clients usually put in fairly large orders so that the shipping price per pearl is not too high.

The pearls clearly need to be shipped from the States. I have friends in high places so don't worry about those shipping costs Caitlin.
Caitlin Williams said:
Hi Josh
You can leave me on your list so I can look and daydream, but I am out of the running with freight like that!

Hi Josh,
I am interested in a pair of earrings or a single large pearl for a pendant, but I too think that USD 350.00 is too heavy, so if You can get them into the US and send them from there, it surely must be much cheaper, otherwise I am going to daydream too.....:(