Thank you, Newberry! Originally I had planned on gss earrngs, but then this pearl popped up from the depths of one of PP's vault boxes! Let's make another PP play date with KaySD soon!!
LOL ... we're talking about dear Walter here, who moves to an internal clock that differs from the rest of the world ... I could probably tell him I was going out for lunch with the girls on Tuesday, and it might take him a couple of Tuesdays to wonder "what Tuesday" ...
lmgarden- Wow ! That's one big gorgeous pearl !!
Hello, new-ish poster here.It took a little while for these to make their way across the Pacific, but here are a pair of GSS drops and a metallic FWP necklace that I picked up recently. Thank you Erin for the help with picking out the earrings. I wish I could own some 22/24k goldens..maybe one day!