PP April special

Ah, I feel stupid, I thought it was all 14k wg. Anyway, I think the silver will be fine. Plus, I can force my sister to make me matching earrings for free! (She said she'd make me pay for gold). There are some GORGEOUS druzydesign earrings that I need (but at $600 I just can't justify it) so she's got her work cut out for her in the replication process ;)
A good cleaning cloth is the Sunshine Cloth - available on Fire Mountain gems for a couple of dollars. There are several of us that have Tin Cups on our website and I custom make them as well. I haven't done one in silver, but have the chain out to make a tin cup bracelet. I cover my twisted ends with crimp covers for a more finished look, and to keep from any wire scratchiness. I love tin cups in different lengths.
Has anyone received their tin cup necklace yet? If so, can you post pics? I'm tempted to buy one, but I'm also trying to hoard all my spare cash for the PP Mother's Day sale. Plus, the akoya strand on sale this month is also calling out to me!!!!!!!!!! Oh, what to do!!!!!
Has anyone received their tin cup necklace yet? If so, can you post pics? I'm tempted to buy one, but I'm also trying to hoard all my spare cash for the PP Mother's Day sale. Plus, the akoya strand on sale this month is also calling out to me!!!!!!!!!! Oh, what to do!!!!!

I bought it, but I returned it before I could post pics, sorry! The chain is actually really sparkly and cute in person, but I really didn't like how the center pearl of the necklace was too oblong instead of round.
Saw this and realized that not only were Tahitians (blacks in general) missing from my wife's repertoire, but her favorite color is green. Upon placing the order we mentioned this. Jeremy and Mia found some especially appropriate pearls in very attractive shapes, and I've just had the pleasure of viewing it worn three days in a row. Success!!

This piece and PP's natural blue Akoyas purchased earlier this year have been affordable, fun and unique additions for us.

Will work on posting a photo later today or tomorrow.
Friends, I'm about to fall off the wagon. I've been saving up all my spare money for the Tahitian Mother's Day sale. I've been really good about not buying any pearls, but that akoya strand is just calling to me. I keep telling myself reasons to not buy it: other opportunities, I want a bigger size, etc, etc. It's getting really hard to resist the calls of, "Buy me!!!! Buy me!!!!"
Our PP Tahitian tin cup necklace.


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