Karin, deep down we all know we recognise ourselves in each other

I laughed when I read you sew, knit and paint.. oh what will we all do without our creative pursuits though I readily (and ashamedly) admit I have left many an incomplete project in its wake (stained glass and scrapbooking, anybody?). Sarah's workspace has a vibe of such joie de vivre and it comes across in her quirky pearl selection (Don't you just love that!). Steve's just proves I need to invest in some real equipment other than relying on my point-and-shoot and the providence of sunlight. Narcissa's just makes me flat plain envious! Lisa C, your fluent musings are very much welcome but show us a few pictures so I can have a window into the whole you, pretty please...
Indulge me a little as I reminisce a bit. Here's my little pink and white studio in Melbourne where I used to work on a table overlooking the roses and bamboo in the courtyard. The little ones will be sprawled underfoot on the hardwood floors (drawing, crafting, fighting) as by day, I worked on my legit research and by night, I indulged in my fun stuff (*wink wink*). If you peer hard enough, that one ostensible bookshelf in the picture (sans books) had plastic containers that contained my jewellery findings and pink boxes where the goodies were stashed within (out of sight and reach of grubby-handed little girls who, like their mummy, are absolute magpies). And I won't lie and WILL admit that it is usually that neat - There, I've said it; I am Adeline and I am an obsessively neat control freak.
Oh, I am giddy with delight as I share my little studio that I miss so much. I am just praying the spiders, field mice and possums don't desecrate it too much (loose roof tiles and a teeny hole in the attic) till I next see it in next winter. Balmy tropical Singapore does not make for such evocative natural workrooms like Narcissa's, but I tell you what, I will go home, take a couple of pictures and do a compare-contrast post of temperate vs tropical workspaces!
And apologies for this self-indulgent post but it has been so carthartic on such a blah workday! Yay for PG-ers everywhere!