Day 2
Bfast was served bright and early - sipping coffee and enjoying waffles on the patio was a treat. I decided the one full day we have at the ruckus is the day to go ALL OUT with my pearls. #moreisstillnotenough! #canIhaveafewmoreropesplease?

I thought I woke up early, but heard some people say “oh Wendy was up early and already gathered & took out the trash from last night”. And everyone helped out moving couches and chairs to the Great Room for the presentation. Just made me love the Pearl-Guide peeps even more. <3
It was a FULL day of seminars - each seminar covered different aspect of the larger world of pearls (farming/environment, species, history, provenance, design, styling, buying, etc etc etc), and it was a treat to have some first-time/special-guest presenters this year. Won’t go into details here hoping Jeremy will post them online. The only time people were distracted was when this topless sun-kissed muscle diver hunk made a recurring appearance on Josh’s slides lol. I think I heard later that he’s Celeste’s brother? Not sure.
Anyhow. Seminars were completed, some more pearl ogling while the vendors set up. The Hippocampus siblings (Newberry and I) came out for a playdate! OctoMermaid also joined in. Look at the luster on them!!!

It was time to plop ourselves onto the various vendors’ pearls to roll-around, and that’s exactly what we did. With Victoria Grayson and Emily Thorne around my neck, I had trouble trying on necklaces. So instead of the usual “Brad, please hold my purse”, it’s “Brad, please wear my pearls”. He humored me and rocked it really well!
Brad rocked the ropes so well that I decided to have him wear one during the dinner party. The food was AMAZING – seafood buffet, endless caviar, champagne and scotch was flowing. Pearl ogling continues. It was so damn hot that towards the end of the night I change to my PJs and continued rocking on the night. See? Who said it’s hard to wear pearls with casual wear (or even PJs)? Pearls are appropriate for all type of wears.

That’s when Jeremy noted how different the rope looked on Brad and I (since I’m little) and asked to try on the rope. And that launched into this following picture which you have all seen already. #menwithpearlsarehot