Persian Gulf Pearls and Authentic Certificates

Is there something happening in India to prompt a search for natural pearls? I have had half a dox emails asking for them in the last couple of weeks...?
Persian Gulf Pearls...

Persian Gulf Pearls...

Hello to all and as my first post to this forum I have to say some excellent information to be had.

I actually came across this Forum when Googling Gulf Pearls and immediately joined it as have been in search for Gulf Pearls for quite sometime.

I'm an expat living in Dubai for the last 3 years and very much interested in all things pearls as always been fascinated by the story of how one of the Cartier brothers acquired their first store, which is still on 5th NYC, for the exchange for $100 in cash and a double-stranded natural pearl necklace from Doha valued at the time at $1 million. Great picture of Phillpe Cartier sitting crossed legged with Bahrain's around a large wooden bowl of pearls. How times have changed now that we have the "Pearl Essence" competition in Dubai (JLT) and the Pearl Exchange.

I am seeking advice on Bahrain pearls and the most reputable lab or source in Bahrain as intend on flying their to purchase if needs be (easy reach to fly there from Dubai).

In the meantime I wanted to share with you my latest purchase from a pearl dealer in Dragon Mart Mall, Dubai (for those living in Dubai don't shudder too much these are a relatively cheap purchase so easy to live with). These are relatively inexpensive fresh water set I picked up for less than $100 this morning. Let me know your thoughts.

Many thanks in advance and best wishes


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Giving this thread a bump since it seems to have gone missing~

Your freshwater pearls look really large and pretty! Good prices!

I haven't bought from Kari, but it is a trustworthy site as far as I know, and she is knowledgeable. I think she is/was a member here, but doesn't post currently.
Thank you for not giving up hope for a reply! I enjoyed your chatty post a lot, and we always like first-person experiences. Thanks for the links, also. Great fun!

Did you mention the pearl sizes? and quality? I enlarged your pics, but they just got fuzzier.

Thanks for bringing the thread back up Pattye!
Thank you all for your replies as great to hear back from all as I am currently still in my bumping into things all pearl here in Dubai. Ironic yes as this used to the pearling hub of the world once and all of Dubai's economy came from it. Now glittering like a line of children's birthday cakes it's all a bit shallow.
Ok so as promised I'm just back from Dragon Mart again and as I felt the necklace I bought originally (for those that had asked the size of the pearls are 10mm- 12mm) was too short and wanted it to be 47cm so added 7 further pearls in shop. Looks much more significant now too.
I will post up my latest purchases and a few more pic's of the stock they have there now as well.
Please note the majority of their stock os freshwater HK pearls and some south sea salt water. All purchases are my personal taste and what works for me but happy hear all thoughts on them.

Kari goes to Bahrain to get her pearls. You could, too, and save the cost of her expenses.

I just realized those cultured freshwater pearl are in the natural pearl forum. Perhaps they could be moved to their own thread on "show us your pearls"?
That's an excellent reply Catlin and thank you for chiming in.
But one point has to be made in terms of budget Gulf Pearls are well over 120% more expensive than freshwater HK pearls and as a novice pearl buyer I'm testing the waters of what works for me before moving into such an investment.
Additionally Basra/Gulf natural pearls are not readily available in Dubai - point was made today when I spent a long day looking all over for them.
I can really feel your love and enthuasim for Persian Gulf pearl and would love your advice on where to start to look and recommendations to buy - starting with 5-7mm bracelets on 32 ct gold clasps.

Thanks Catlin and best wishes
I think the trip to Bahrain is calling and definitely on the cards - although the last time I was there I was there for work with the F1 GP and found it be decidely 2nd world, very friendly locals though and lovely connection with East Africa.
I'm gathering with all your enthusiasm towards to Gulf pearls you are a collector of them in the past or currently?
Best to you too. I understand your points totally- I am just writhing that you might miss this opportunity! I am sure there is a traditional pearl shop somewhere in Dubai, though it probably isn't in a mall.
My granpa was an oil man to whom the then Sheikh awarded the use of his own island off Bahrain (google it) called Umm'a sabaan or other variations on that spelling. He lived there for many years and was became some kind of consultant after he left the employ of Standard oil. He sponsored pearl dhows for a couple of decades and collected his cut. Of which I still have a few as he had lots of daughters and granddaughters. A photo of them is on the" guess the kind of pearls" from the ruckus. Lillie fuzzy sox' thread.
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Thanks Caitlin,

You have to understand the Dubai consumer and that it is built towards 1.1 million visiting Russians and approx. 2 million visiting Chinese (Dubai is easy reach for both countries with a relatively easier Visa application process) hence the Gulf pearl, to these consumers, is as out dated as the people that used to make a living from them.
In general locals here (Emiratis) go for branded jewellery such as Paspaley, Mikura that live in shiny huge shop fronted boutiques - indeed Paspaley are refocusing their marketing efforts specifically towards the Middle East purely for the higher buying power of individuals.

I'm not arguing your point that a traditional pearl shop does not exist in Dubai, more that such a thing would indeed would be the rarest of rare pearls and my experience in Dragon Mart was both a unique and highly enjoyable considering the value and end result of satisfaction of my purchases.

In saying that anyone Dubai based please chime in if you know of any Dubai based pearl shop as would love to see them.

Thanks as always.
That's an amazing story and wanted to check if you could repost that thread above as I can't seem to find it and would love to see the pic's of the pearls. Thanks again for all your advice!
OK, but I want to put the CFWP's in their own thread.

This one is in the natural pearls section. The pix of your freshwaters belong in show us your pearls.
I am moving them only to their own thread called "Dragon Mall Pearls" unless you want another name.

I have to leave your first post here even though it has freshwaters not naturals depicted.
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Thanks Catilin - I made sure to posy my CFWP in the "Show us your pearls" thread and thanks for the link above.

Hopefully next pic's I post will be Gulf water pearls inshallah.

Best wishes
I do hope you will get at least one- as much fun as the CWFP's are, a Gulf pearl would be in another realm entirely.

(It may be a good thing that your average Russian pearl buyer doesn't know better. I saw a lot of Russians in India and they loved the freshwaters in India just as much).
Ironically the number one thing Russians buy here is fur coats, in 52c+, fascinating!