Gulf Natural Pearls

Hi there Aspan and thanks for your comment. You sound like you are Dubai based and know Bur Dubai quite well, if so let me know as would be great to have another DXB pearl enthusiast here.

For testing of pearls the only official information I could find was the below. Price wise etc I am not entirely sure of but no doubt the Ministry will be able to help you with it.

Thanks and let me know if you need anymore information or help on it.

Best wishes

Great story, thread, and adventure in Bur-Dubai. You mention pearls tested in Bahrain. Could you kindly give an e-mail address or the lab location details where I can have my pearls tested? Thanks. Any idea as to how much do these labs charge for testing on a) natural or not, b) origin - Basra or Japan etc, c) age of the pearls, even if it is approx?, d) quality of the pearl on a scale of say 0 to 10 in terms of lustre/shine, shape, size etc and e) approx value of the pearls?

Thanks and look forward to your article on adventures in Bur-Dubai.

Thanks Donzi, and also thanks for your comments on a thread I started: Natural Pearls, Basra? We will be in Dubai at the end of October. Well, we are not from Dubai but live in Saudi Arabia. Will it be possible a) to get a phone # of Mr. Jhaveri of Xiam (or is it Exim) Jewelers, and b) some guideline on where GIA branch in Dubai is (the GIA web-site suggests: Building 6WA, Office #801, near Dubai Airport; phone #: +971-4214-6841).

Thanks for your comments and help.

Are all these Jhaveris mentioned on and/or members of this forum related?

monil jhaveri

The shop is called Exim Jewellers LLC and the owners email is
Owner is Mr J. F. Jhaveri and an incredibly helpful, warm and thoroughly nice chap indeed.
It's his family's business and his shop should be a protected national heritage.
Well caught there Caitlin I just posted the same thing about the Jhaveri's as there a few posting on this. Interesting to see the connections.

Exim Jewellers is 00971 4 3599391 or mobile 00971 50 6243824

Are all these Jhaveris mentioned on and/or members of this forum related?

monil jhaveri

The shop is called Exim Jewellers LLC and the owners email is
Owner is Mr J. F. Jhaveri and an incredibly helpful, warm and thoroughly nice chap indeed.
It's his family's business and his shop should be a protected national heritage.
You are in luck as their office is in the same business park as my office (DAFZA) which is beside Terminal 2 on the North of Dubai - handy if you are planning to fly in and out again - best hotel close by would be the Park Hyatt (amazing golf course) or stay Downtown at the Palace Dubai (my favourite hotel in DXB).

Thanks Donzi, and also thanks for your comments on a thread I started: Natural Pearls, Basra? We will be in Dubai at the end of October. Well, we are not from Dubai but live in Saudi Arabia. Will it be possible a) to get a phone # of Mr. Jhaveri of Xiam (or is it Exim) Jewelers, and b) some guideline on where GIA branch in Dubai is (the GIA web-site suggests: Building 6WA, Office #801, near Dubai Airport; phone #: +971-4214-6841).

Thanks for your comments and help.

Exim Jewellers Gulf Natural Pearls 2nd visit.

Exim Jewellers Gulf Natural Pearls 2nd visit.

Hello there to all my Gulf Natural pearl loving friends.

I wanted to update you on my latest visit to Mr Jayesh F Jhaveri (I'm not sure why I keep using his full name when posting here but I think as there are so many Jhaveri's posting about pearls it's good to differate). The weather is getting nice and cool now in Dubai as we are facing into our "winter" (never drops to below 15c here so blessed) so I'd thought venturing down to Bur Dubai after spending the morning making a iPhone map out of it. Packed up some ice cold water and headache tablets in case the traffic and bad driving put me over the edge I boarded my lovely old Merc (another adventure of mine - classic Daimlers) and pointed her toward North Dubai.
Interestingly I made it down there with barely raising the heart beat and just kept plodding until I hit the creek and parked up beside Dubai museum and my favourite area in Dubai called "Bastakiya" which is just gorgeous to wander around and kill a morning or afternoon if you have time. The best little gallery and cafe there is here by the way if anyone is ever venturing down that direction, just perfect. (I've attached a picture of it first picture going clockwise)

So I digress, now that I have a 45% idea of where Mr Jayesh F. Jhaveri's shop is I saunter taking my time and taking the sights and smells of "Little Bombay" - it's such a dramatic change of where I live in Dubai 50km south from here a place called the Marina as it's all expats and quite sterile.
I found Exim jewellers again after doing my usual walking straight past it twice, I'd forgot of what a tiny little slither of a place it is - there is one other customer in there and immediately when I enter the place feels crowded. Mr Jayesh F. Jhaveri (Jay from now on in as you got the point by now!:eek:) was there behind the counter and immediately recognises me and treats me to firm hand shake and seat in his office.
This is the beauty of Dubai, I trip up unannounced in flips flops and dress shorts and he treats me just like the immaculately dressed gentleman in traditional dish-disha ( who is viewing the same Gulf Natural pearls. FYI Mr Jay does not refer to them as "Basra" pearls but natural pearls only as I suspect the term Barsa pearls is bandied about too much in the hope of upweigthing prices.
We talk for awhile about pearls and reconnect.
I'm in luck as the gentlemen from Q8 is there to buy a large amount and strikes up a conversation with me - thinks I'm Italian (should have shaved today!) but quickly brought him round to where Belfast is and he is truly bemused why an Irish man is in viewing and talking pearls in Bur Dubai; "pearls popular in Ireland then?" he muses "errr....not really, my mum likes them alot though!". Great experience and true Arab warmth at it's very best. So unfortunate that we grew up and live in a world where we have an ingrained image of Arabia as a bad and ultimately dangerous. The relationship between Christian western Europe and the Arabs has been one of the most complex and pyrotechnically hysterical international love affairs. It's been marked by both avid adoration and cringing distaste. Honestly you got bad people anywhere in the world and in general I've experienced some of the warmest hospitality here in the Gulf since I've been here.

Anyway's what I get to see this time is real live pearl trading and Mr Jay has a huge selection of Gulf Naturals on display. If you view the picture top right of four groups of pearls on red silk (the traditional way to show GNP's) you will see on the right ungraded GNP's in a large group which are being offered as a whole bundle. Price I don't feel would be right to disclose as Mr Jay is a wholesaler but let's just say it would be significant and the sort of money you'd pay for the newest model 991 (911) from Porsche. Eye watering in other words. But amazing all the same as these are the rarest of the rare pearls all shapes sizes and colours.

The cluster of tiny pearls bottom right are seed GNP's which I feel are going to used to be "sewn" into jewellery which is quite popular in Indian jewellery - local jeweller Liali has reintroduced this again and I've posted a picture of this before but link here for those who are interested Not my personal taste but I think they could be used to create a lovely bracelet if well threaded in multi strands. Caitlin had showcased some beautiful examples of using GNP's in the past worth sharing again.

The small cluster on the bottom left are gradeAAA GNP's large size and just beautiful - again price is that a fairly decent few year old top of the range Mercedes but in my view worth it. None have the Bahrain lab certificate as these were collected before the Bahrain lab existed but Mr Jay is reputable man trading on four generations of his families name but will happily include the cost of lab certification and the 4 weeks to do it if needed.

Top left cluster. These are incredible - all AAA grade sublime perfect GNP's - I'm so sorry my phone does not do better macro quality to show you the quality of these but they are as close to perfection as you'll ever see. This little group is priced for Sheikh's only I'm afraid as just incredible. Again I'm not posting any prices here as Mr Jay good enough to take the time and show me his wares that his family have collected for generations.

On that note I get to meet Mr Jay's son who is equally as much of a gentleman as his father and mentions he will be doing the global rounds of auctions soon and will help me find what ever I need if I need so. We plan to stay in touch and if anything interesting comes up GNP wise at auction he will let me know

I hope you all enjoy the pictures and that I've brought back some life into the glory of Gulf Natural Pearls here.

The biggest takeaway from me on this trip is that watching the pearls being traded at the counter like this in the traditional metal holed sorting trays is that I am witnessing a time old tradition and feel very privileged to do so. My thoughts are also that these magical pearls are one thing that are not being made any more and that this it it. It's a sad thought to think pearls of this quality and provenance may no longer been seen but happy to see that the art of pearl trading still goes on.

Best wishes.


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Oh my, you make me want to just get on the first plane and go there! Thank you for such a great description.

- Karin
You sure are the right person to appreciate this experience! I am so happy you did this. Your story is glorious and maybe more people going to Dubai will be able to use this as a guide.....
Absolutely recommend it and even to try this

Very "Dubai" but certainly looks like an original adventure and good fun.

Bahrain seems to be the place for a more authentic experience though

Love some of the Arabian music from this little website too
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This is a really good question and thanks for posting it.
I have a colleague here that moved from our company to Dior to there fine jewellery department - I intend to "poke the bear" in regards to this question to see what type of pearls Dior are using in current jewellery.
Hey Donzi. You sure have a way to express your stories, so well. Great to read them & would have been even better to experience with someone like you on a trip to Bur-Dubai.

Also thanks for the info on GIA Dubai as well as contact details of Mr. Jhaveri. Will let you/forum know the outcome of my trip to Dubai.

Cheers, and do keep writing!
Good man aspan and hope all is well with you in KSA.

I found this and thought it was an interesting representation of natural pearls (but not confirmed from the Gulf though) -
Beautiful piece all the same worthy of sharing.

Hey Donzi. You sure have a way to express your stories, so well. Great to read them & would have been even better to experience with someone like you on a trip to Bur-Dubai.

Also thanks for the info on GIA Dubai as well as contact details of Mr. Jhaveri. Will let you/forum know the outcome of my trip to Dubai.

Cheers, and do keep writing!
While you can't say for certain, it probably is (mostly) gulf pearls. The round ones are going for outrageous prices, aren't they?
Truly outrageous prices now but shows that there must be a demand and desire for them though.

Makes me want to go and get that Bahrain divers license even more now! Wonder what happened to that chap was on here saying he was a Bahrain pearl diver - please god we are not attracting scammers now on this.

While you can't say for certain, it probably is (mostly) gulf pearls. The round ones are going for outrageous prices, aren't they?
Tales from the East Coast of the UAE...

Tales from the East Coast of the UAE...

:cool:Hello there all, hope you are all keeping well and not suffering too much in the winters where ever you are, weather is becoming nigh on perfect here now in the Gulf and perfect weather to crank up the pearl fever as it means we can get back into the water again and go exploring.

I wanted to share with you my latest from my pearl hunting here in the UAE and little trip over to the East coast of the Arabian peninsula to place called Dibba. I go there once every year to get back into the water to celebrate the cooler weather and do a few dives around a lovely little place called "Snoppy Island" - honestly it's one of the most gorgeous little islands in the world and you can easily fin out to it and enjoy all the turtle nests and little Black Tip Reef sharks darting about like little insecure rugby balls. Let's come back to sharks in a bit and talk pearls for now.
A local fisher man had come in with the days catch and I went over to see what he had as I fancied some fresh grilled Hammour or lobster for my dinner that night.
Low and behold he had picked up a few little oysters in his catch as well (no idea how he got these as all the oysters I saw where firmly attached to the walls protecting the harbour there so god knows what the hell he'd been up to that morning). Anyways I asked if I could have them and said yes of course if I buy a fish, a big one. Sure why not it's a been a hard days graft drinking beer and snorkelling around the island give me that one there, yup the big'un looks delicious, see that's the trick to buying Hammour always leave them wanting (ham)mour* apologies worst joke in the world!

So I bring my little oysters back to my hotel room and get a few steak knives to the room - room service looks worried am I am planning on killing myself with these knives, nope just planning on cracking open my catch good fellow that will be all!

So unfortunately no pearls inside as the ratio out here I think is 1-700 oysters to find one, even a seed pearl apparently. And the East coast gets heard by oil spills on a regular basis.

So back to the sharks. I do a lot of diving here and come across sharks little'uns on a regular basis. Dived with sharks in warm and cold waters before and respect them and am in awe of them immensely. This time on the 2nd dive around the back of Dibba rock (2nd little island down that way) myself and buddy pop up way to far from the boat as we got carried away look at some amazing coral. So decided to fin it on the surface bit back closer to the boat into the slack water and channels behind the island. On our way we see the trio of insecure little black tips looking all worried as black tips do (gorgeous little fish though about the size of your thigh) and then all of sudden in one of the channels I am face to face with the biggest shark I have ever seen. Gorgeous little small face but massive fat body. Genuinely as long as me (longer) as I am over 2 meters and covered in 3 remora's so she is an older shark. Just gorgeous. But I'm really scared as we are now in the small channel and sharks don't have a reverse gear. Shark slows to look at us and in fairness my buddy is huge and makes me look small, he grabs my arm in fear as he's just clocked this cute faced but massive creature coming slowly at us. We move and let it pass her big black dark eyes look at us, no issues. We go to the surface where many expletives are said and wtf do we do now as the shark is in the open now in the same space that we need to cross to get to the boat. We are both really nervous but dive down again to 6m meters fin backwards following her as she circles us out of curiosity. Little trio of insecure black tips come back now as they have their massive mate there to help. We get into the boat literally chucking all the gear in record time and head back, talking at pace shaking from the buzz. I ask the dive master what the hell type of shark was that? He has no clue first time he has seen her there and in his little Sri Lankan accent says "actually I've never seen a shark that big before". Oh swell.
Get back to the dive shop and describe the shark to the owner. He immediately confirms that due to the colour and fat appearance it's a bull shark, the most dangerous kind. I'm gob smacked as I never thought I could get so close to bull shark like that as normally they are quite aggressive. Apparently in the Gulf they're more chilled out. I'm not arguing just happy to have all my limbs attached.

A few days later I head down to the Jebel Ali Golf resort on the south coast Dubai side and talking to chaps in Al Boom there. Nice guys been diving there years, says diving is pedestrian but confirms yes there are several new oyster beds there in 2-6m of water. Confirms that no I can't dive them and even if did they are apparently having big problems with bull sharks there. This all news to me as I was swimming there a few weeks ago off a jet ski. I did see something big but thought it was a king fish but not in that far in one of the channels.

Turns out pearl hunting in the Gulf is going to be a very extreme sport. Apparently back in the days when pearl divers dived on the Great Pearl Barrier Bank off Abu Dhabi they'd a lot of big marine wild life to contend with.
This has increased my respect for them by 100 fold.

Yours with all limbs in tact.


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