Pearls as One The New CPAA Pearl Specialist Certification Course

Hurricane Matthew has passed me by. I lost electricity for half of today but it's back on now. The storm was actually mild in Orlando. Charlie, Francis and Jeanne back in 2004 were freaking scary. Matthew was a piece of cake. However, Orlando is where everyone evacuates TO, so we're normally OK.

No mail delivery today though. Maybe tomorrow.
Glad you and your family are ok BWeaves!
They've got it fixed! They only sent out around 30 so far, so that first batch will become the collectors editions. At least you'll always be able to prove you were among the first 30 to complete it!

It's like stamp collecting -- the errors are the most valuable. :D
Thanks everyone. I don't know about the rest of the state of Florida, but Orlando got off very easy with this hurricane. No damage at all. No trees done. No flooding.
Great, great news bweaves! Hurricanes can be so devastating. I am glad you were one of the luckier ones who came out relatively unscathed.
My brother lives on the coast and the eye of the storm passed right over his house on Merritt Island. He evacuated to Orlando before that. They just got back home and are only missing a couple of soffits which is an easy repair.
Hello, I got my fragrant certificate today and I feel thrilled. Thank you, BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has made it possible. Guys you rock! IMG_20161010_102521.jpg
Thank you, kelluvpearls. Yes, they are 2 sprigs of rosemary freshly plucked from my garden.
I love the herbs on your herby certificate.

I haven't gotten mine yet, but I hope it will be a herby one. ;)
I hope you get yours soon, PD and BW. I'm really happy to have a herby certificate. Yay! ;)
That's going to be the most wanted collector's item in the future.
Congrats!!! Thanks for the reminder that I need to complete my course!!! I thought the rosemary was part of the certificate!
Okay, glad to note other's are still awaiting, I was feeling impatient.
So exciting to see these! I kind of dragged my feet on finishing the course so I expect mine will take a bit longer.

Also, I'm enjoying seeing how everyone is blocking out their names. Yet another way for PG members to demonstrate their creativity :)