New pearl collector here (I blame DK!). I started the course yesterday (Thank you Jeremy) and have completed the freshwater pearl section thus far (Sect 1-3). I was surprised by what I already knew, but enjoyed learning more about the history and background, especially for Lake Biwa and Kasumigaura pearls (as I own a pair of Japanese Kasumi pearls).It is a great resource and I am looking forward to continuing the course.
New pearl collector here (I blame DK!). I started the course yesterday (Thank you Jeremy) and have completed the freshwater pearl section thus far (Sect 1-3). I was surprised by what I already knew, but enjoyed learning more about the history and background, especially for Lake Biwa and Kasumigaura pearls (as I own a pair of Japanese Kasumi pearls).It is a great resource and I am looking forward to continuing the course.
It's definitely not automated. I spoke with him this morning and he has been getting everyone's emails, but he's been getting a lot. That's not a bad thingThere are about 500 people taking the course right now. Once completion is verified, and actual certificate is going to mailed out. I would expect it to be 4-5 days.
I encouraged him to set up a new email address specific for the course certification with an auto-responder letting everyone know that the certificate will be mailed in 4-5 days.
Nope. It is not automated.
You guys are a bit ahead of the curve, lol. We are trying to sort out some of these questions now.
In order to pass the exam, you need to score at least 80 percent, or 28 out of 35. If you don't pass, you'll be able to go back and retake it after 24 hours.
I've never built a school before, so this is still evolving!
My final exam score has disappeared. It's showing that I completed it (with a check mark), but when I popped back in to make sure I had gotten 80% (which I'm sure I did), there's no mark and the exam is able to be taken again. Should I be worried, or is this just a side effect of new info being posted in that section?
You have to take the quizzes too. You won't pass all of those without reading the course, and we can see who has actually taken the course and who hasn't and even any sections that we're skipped. I am sure nearly every member here could pass the GIA final exam without taking the actual course, but that would only be cheating themselves.
Yes, content will be updated and added. I have mentioned to the board I would like to eventually have an education chair position within the CPAA. That person would be responsible for adding content and answering questions posted in the comment sections, needing only my oversight and not every night and weekend of my time (Hisano wants me back, lol). There are new sections planned on things like Burmese South Sea pearls and pearl treatments.
The new sections won't be required for the certificate if people have already received one, but we will send emails to everyone from Pearl as One as the new sections appear on the course.
Bo just sent me the first list of people who have certificates on the way! Congratulations CathyKeshi on 100% across the board!
If you're logging in and see that you've only completed 99%, it may be because we added a welcome letter to the introduction module.