Pearls and clasps, in "Clasps – 4,000 Years of fasteners in Jewellery"

I just returned to Bangkok again after a sales trip of 3 months.
I found this European made clasp which I liked a lot and put it on a golden South Sea pearl strand


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Can you show it opened ? For a clasp it's interesting always having 2 photos: open and close. Thanks
here is a photo with the clasp unlocked. The clasp is 14K gold


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Oh I see now, interesting and nice looking
Hi Masik,
How amazing to see your post today as I have news for PG members. First of all, happy holidays season to everybody.
I just fixed yesterday that I am going to give lectures on "History of Clasps" in USA again !
Yes I will go the California next April.
I had so much fun in May in New Orleans and in June in New York giving lectures, that I wanted to go West Coast. And meet Sheri again :)
In 2018, the "Clasp Book Tour" will include Paris in March and London in October at the Society of Jewellery Historians.
And you might like to read the review written by their magazine "Jewellery History Today" in London,
I will soon post pearls and clasps again...
I had to chuckle at the anecdote in that wonderful review-- imagine having to go to the supermarket wearing jewelry worth £3.6 million because of not being able to undo the clasp!
It is Guy de Maupassant famous novel "the necklace" , funny that they choose a french author.
Besides the press around the book is definitely wonderful. It has been placed twice at the top 1 of beautiful jewelry art book in 2016 and 2017. Really wonderful time meeting all people about the subject
Hi Masik,
How amazing to see your post today as I have news for PG members. First of all, happy holidays season to everybody.
I just fixed yesterday that I am going to give lectures on "History of Clasps" in USA again !
Yes I will go the California next April.
I had so much fun in May in New Orleans and in June in New York giving lectures, that I wanted to go West Coast. And meet Sheri again :)
In 2018, the "Clasp Book Tour" will include Paris in March and London in October at the Society of Jewellery Historians.
And you might like to read the review written by their magazine "Jewellery History Today" in London,
I will soon post pearls and clasps again...

Hi Anna,
Ohhh!!! You are going to be in California?! April? Sounds lovely (though every season is lovely in our sunny California ;) Where? What wonderful news!
And I'm looking forward to my new book!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
tabakhova, Clasps, 4000 years of fasteners in jewellery-11.jpg

As promised another pearl and clasps post. This one is a double sliding ball clasp I got from USA and was on a pearl strand.
This is a page from the glossary which has 26 entries (or so) checking names, description and dating of different clasps.
Enjoy !
Hello PG friends,
This is the first place timeI am giving information about, I will wait a little more for communication on social media.
Flights and accomodation are booked. 2 lectures are already fixed on the 17th and 18th of April in San Francisco and 2 other are still discussed.
Give me a ittle more time to fix everything. I am very exited to go West Coast. I plan to visit the great parks : Yosemite, the Arches and Mesa Verde mainly.
I will let you know the programe when it's fixed and you will be the first to be informed as always !!!
Just to keep you waiting, you can see 3 minutes of the New Orleans talk here, with "our" wonderful Sheri. ..
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Hello PG Friends,

My next West Coast Clasp Book Tour is nearly fixed and I wanted to share with you the program : Paris, San Francisco, Colorado, London:

22 Mars, Paris, Ecole des Arts Joailliers par Van Cleef & Arpels
April 14th, San Francisco, Ca, Macchiarini Creative Design Gallery,
April 17th, San Francisco, Ca, Metal Arts Guild
April 18th, San Francisco, Golden Gate GIA Alumni Chapter
May 3rd, Pueblo, Co, Colorado Center for Metal Arts
October 23rd, London, Society of Jewellery Historians

I hope to meet some of you and let's take care of clasps !
Thank you for the updates. I'm actually going to be in Paris on March 22, although my complete lack of French probably makes going to this 40 Euro talk pointless.

Do have a wonderful evening. It looks awesome.