Pearls and clasps, in "Clasps – 4,000 Years of fasteners in Jewellery"

This is a great book to read. I love the photos and detailed information. Beautiful photos. Thanks Anna!
I just placed my order. You guys have me excited to get my own copy soon.
OOOOO, mine arrived today. Very well packaged! And the book looks gorgeous. I can't wait to dive into it. I'm definitely not going to finish this one in one sitting. There's a lot of information and gorgeous photos in it.
Thank you so much, I am happy reading all your comments, about packing - well I have been logistic manager, and it's important ! - about the pleasure you have receiving it, turning the pages, looking at the photos, discovering the content, well diving into it.
Remember, Sheri, La Corsetiere, is "linguistic and technical consultant", you can see her name on the first page. She did a great job reading and checking the first translation and rewriting often many paragraphs. I loooove the way she writes.
And lots of pearls in !!
Hurrah, my book arrived today; excited to explore all the photos and articles!

Pattye, do you mean there are deliveries on sundays ??
I have been enjoying dipping into mine. One thing I really like is that, instead of focusing exclusively on the clasps, the rest of the pieces are considered, too. The design of the clasp influences the design of the piece, and vice versa. Beautifully done! So far I've just been looking at this, and looking at that, but I am going to need to settle down and go through it properly!
The book turned out beautifully, with glorious photography and the perfect balance of eye-candy and information. Anna has done an amazing job, and I'm so thrilled for her that she has been able to share her passion and expertise with the world! And I'm thrilled for myself to have been given the opportunity to meet and become friends with such a lovely and extraordinary person. Thank you, Pearl Guide!
I finally got to order my own book today ... SO delighted to have this to look forward to! I've asked Anna to sign my copy, and hope to get Sheri to sign mine as well, somewhere down the road :) (Thanks for the extra help and guidance during ordering, Anna!!!)
Great, I'm happy when others are :)
Hello PG Friends.
Here is the today pearl photo. This is a double strand necklace with fake pearls, but doesn't really matter indeed. Could be done with cultured pearls. A double box clasp seen from underside that was most in fashion in the 50' - 70'. It goes with blue and red paste clasp that one could change to match outfit.
A lot of attention was given to clasps in these years, that's why you can still find vintage clasps (and I wrote a page on vintage clasps). It seems it was mainly found in America and I describe how Joan Rivers and Kenneth Jay Lane and Monet had their own different ideas on how to change the clasp on bracelets and neckaces.


  • Clasps, 4000 years of fasteners in jewellery by anna tabakhova 12.jpg
    Clasps, 4000 years of fasteners in jewellery by anna tabakhova 12.jpg
    10.3 KB · Views: 128
Anna, I have to say not only have I been enjoying my wonderful book...It was on my bench, but it has moved to a prime coffee table location! If anyone is on the fence about ordering, it really is a wonderful reference. Thank you again for making this one available to us!
Thank you and yes you catch it : I wanted a book to be on the bench as well as on the coffee table, useful and beautiful, it is scratch and stains resistant.
Glad that everyone understands what efforts it was to bring it to completion and that everyone is enjoying it.
I was just reading the GIA Insider newsletter and noticed their 3 book reviews.

I wonder if if might be a good idea to send a copy of Clasps: 4000 Years of Fasteners in Jewellery to the GIA? A review would help get the word out about it. :)