Pearl Paradise Baroques


New Member
Dec 29, 2007
Tahitian baroque strand with diamond clasp, silver grey body colour with aqua green and rose overtones, AA+, 9.4mm to 11.6mm. These were a birthday present to myself (well, any excuse to buy pearls). They were my first 'proper' pearl purchase:



Another strand from Pearl Paradise, large multicolour freshwater baroques. I decided on these after seeing pictures of Sueki's. These are wihout a doubt the most versatile pearls I have ever bought, they go with everything in my wardrobe, from blacks to neutrals, pastels, to bright reds and other primary colours. They are large and quite dramatic, the colours are delicate and very subtle. I think I wear these more than any others. They seem to illuminate the complexion (a good thing at my age):


Talking of Pearl Paradise, I haven't been able to get on the site for 36 hours now, I hope they haven't moved.
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We are still here! A simple server update has turned into a 2-day nightmare. We should be back up any time now.
We are still here! A simple server update has turned into a 2-day nightmare. We should be back up any time now.

Oh thank goodness you haven't gone anywhere! Thank you for getting in touch Jeremy, I'm so relieved. Good luck with fixing the server problem.
PGDesign - Looks like your strand is this one on the PP site I had my eyes on this strand for quite a while. Very nice shape pearls with excellent luster on this strand. Congratulations!!!

Hi Spaceneedle

That strand does look similar to mine but it's not the same one - in fact mine was only $440. I was amazed by the price. This purchase took place in my pre-forum days so I was a little nervous and very unsure of what I would get. Thankfully my fears were completely unfounded and I've become a baroque pearl convert. I was back at Pearl Paradise about a week after receiving it.
Wow, love your pearls! I was not sure about silver color Tahitian pearls but now I think I might get one too!

Those pearls are really beautiful. Rounds are great, but I love pearls with "extra character". ;) Thanks for sharing.
PGDesign, what beautiful freshwater baroques! Gosh, too many pearls, need more income! BTW, is there a thread showing Sueki's baroques?
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Love both the strands! How frequently do you wear the Tahitian baroques? I have been going back and forth on Tahitians for a couple years now. Round vs. baroque. Bracelet vs. necklace.
For those that own pearl bracelets, how long have you had them and how banged up are they? I want to have at least one so I can admire it. LOL. However, I use the keyboard all day and wonder how fast I can damage it, especially the colored ones (Tahitian or lavender).
For those that own pearl bracelets, how long have you had them and how banged up are they?
I have a good story about that. Sarah C from Kojima pearls has a long tahitian strand with a tahitian drop on it. Most of the times I have seen her , she has had it wound around her wrist. I saw it (the drop esp)clanking against things and asked her how long she had worn it. the answer was, " seven years". I commented on the banging it got and she said it was not a problem. the pearls (including the drop which really swings around) are fine.

I have been meaning to to post this for bracelet lovers. The only pearl bracelets I would treat carefully are cheap akoyas.

I have only been wearing my favorite bracelets for a few months, and they are none the worse for wear. Banging and clanking does not hurt nacre, which is very tough stuff. It is things that scratch it- like rubbing against diamonds- that are bad for it. And of course, perfumes , hair sprays, and other chemicals.
Love both the strands! How frequently do you wear the Tahitian baroques? I have been going back and forth on Tahitians for a couple years now. Round vs. baroque. Bracelet vs. necklace.

Youngster, I wear the freshwater multis far more than the Tahitians, probably because their colouration makes them more versatile. I find the Tahitians only really work when I wear grey or black, or cool blues.

Caitlin - it was reassuring to learn that these pearls are quite resilient, I do worry about that kind of thing, perhaps unnecessarily.
That's the main reason I decided against and went with a multi-colored baroque Tahitians strand.

A multi coloured strand sounds really lovely, and a good practical choice. The other day my partner was watching me sorting out my pearls and he was shocked by what he saw. He picked up the baroques and examined each pearl before asking what was wrong with them. He asked why I can't just be satisfied with one dark strand, a white strand, and a couple of coloured strands. Why do I need so many tonal variations of each? It's a good question, and not one I have ever adequately been able to answer. I have shown him the forum, and explained that I am not the only person with these tendencies.

I would particularly like some peacock baroques next. Large ones if possible.
That was great. It's incurable, I think.

I remember years ago a schoolfriend's father caught her puffing on a cigarette. He sat her down and made her smoke until she was sick. It did work because she never tried it again. In the same manner, I thought I could cure myself if I just bought more and more pearls (in rapid succession) - the urge would just sort of fizzle out eventually. But it hasn't.
I second Caitlin----it is incurable-----(gales of laughter):D:D Just maybe when we have one in every color, one for every day of the month, or something like that!!

so many pearls, so little time
I second Caitlin----it is incurable-----(gales of laughter):D:D Just maybe when we have one in every color, one for every day of the month, or something like that!!

so many pearls, so little time

And breakfast pearls, post lunch pearls, after dinner pearls, pre-bedtime pearls, cold and flu pearls, job interview pearls, going-to-the-bank pearls, gardening pearls, etc. Really, some of us are getting to that stage. It makes perfect sense if you think about it!
when we have one in every color, one for every day of the month, or something like that!!

What do you mean one, one , one???!!!! It is multiple, multiple, multiple!!!

I fancy at least three matching lavender ropes in three pearl sizes at a time, but my daughter Kether routinely wears 5-7 strands at a time to work. She likes to mix and match and does it with a lot of panache-- I think. Don't you agree, Pattye?

She must have 30-40 strands to choose from and that doesn't even include the several strands I prefer.