Buy direct from China finished pearl jewellry

  • Thread starter Thread starter kathleen
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I have been purchasing finished pearl jewellery from an Australian wholesaler and would now like to buy direct from China. I already have a big customer base, although to be able to duplicate myself and grow the business I need to purchase direct. Can anyone help with contact names of high quality product where I can cut out the middle man.

Finished jewelry can be easily found in China. High quality jewelry can also be easily found. However, finding a combination of both can be very difficult!

I suggest going to either Beijing (Hongqiao market), or Zhuji (Shanxiahu market), to buy finished goods. You do not need any introductions as there are thousands of merchants and if they think they "know" you in advance, you will pay for it.

But you really must go to buy the goods. Dealing via email and fax with China when just starting out will leave you with nothing but heartache and an empty wallet.


Thanks jeremy for your reply. I am planning a trip to Hong Kong/China in January 2007, although in the meantime I do need stock. I am paying premium prices at the moment by buying from a wholesaler in Australia who is purchasing direct from a pearl farm, so to get me through until January 2007 I probably have no other option other than the internet. I sell my product through party plan, so the pieces need to be up to date fashionable pieces which work well with designer label clothes.

Skip Hong Kong all together. All dealers in HK (Hong Kong) finish their goods in China, and any purchase there will carry a premium.

Go straight to Beijing (easy) and buy cheap (Hongqiao)! Go to Zhuji (Shanxiahu) and pay a third of Beijing (moderately difficult, but worth it). All the goods you see online with semi-precious stones and cheap cfwp will cost you under a dollar in Zhuji (each piece).

If you are in the US, you are paying a huge premium buying from Australia. There are so many lower-end dealers, like Bella's in Los Angeles, that would sell those types of goods at similar mark ups without the International shipping charges.


Thanks again Jeremy, I am from Australia, I will definitely take onboard your tips on our trip early next year.

I found a site AY wholesale jewelry China, do you think this one is worth purchasing from on the internet in the meantime until we travel??
Noooooooooooooo! Stick to your local supplier. AY has been spamming this forum since inception. Don't trust that group. You will do best with your current supplier (unless they are too close to retail) until you make a trip to China. Do not deal online with another. You will get a box of junk (9 times out of 10). Those dealers are as prevalent as bankers in Nigeria with $10,000,000 in a locked box.
high quality product

You won't get high quality from aypearl. I think their styles are not relevant to western tastes either, so gaudy and junky.

Also, from the way they spammed here, they never meant to join us and add anything useful, they just had an agenda to get their quota of spamming in before the end of their shift. They were totally unesponsive to emails.

I think their message is, "Send us your money!"
AY Pearl :D

Read carefully - on their About Us page they do not even have the presence of mind to change the name of the company from where they copied some of the text:

At Jewelry Central, you will receive prompt and courteous service from our jewelry consultants, who will work for you until you find that perfect gift or piece of jewelry.
How could one not notice the jewelry central reference????? Wel then again... When I was a DJ the staation(long defunct) motto was People are stupid ......



Great I will definitely wait until we go overseas and not dabble in any internet purchases.

As our trip overseas will only be for a period of about 7 days, I would love to gather as much knowledge about the industry before we go, to ensure that the trip is productive and I can successfully travel back to Australia knowing that I have established a supplier/manufacturer of good quality product at the right price, that I can reorder from Australia on a regular basis. Also a supplier who can grow with us as our party plan business grows.

Does anyone have names or addresses of specific suppliers who they have a level of confidence with that I can go directly to, so I can save time and also feel comfortable in knowing that I am dealing in the right places?

Also what avenues should I take to educate myself on the quality of pearls before we leave so I am informed on what is good and bad prodcut??
Hi Kathleen
This is a revised post, the other one was for another thread.

Do you collect pearl books? If so you might benefit from the new. but classic textbook Pearls by Elisabeth Strack. You just learn alot about the product and the production and the industry as it is today, especially in China. It costs $136 to buy and mail it to AZ so it would a be similar cost to you.
I brought from the internet from a company in Guangzhou, China. The quality was really bad - there was no way to return or to ask for money back.

There are so much valuable pearls information in this forum. Great source.
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Hi, kathleen

If you have the plan to visit Shanxihu, maybe you can contact my sister, who has been in pearl business for almost 6 years. she is very kind and speaks good english. And it is possible for her to offer you a company to the local companies if she is in zhuji(most of the time).
she can be contacted via

Caijun Zhong
I have a friend who is going to be in Shenzen over the next couple of days who I have given Cash to for her to purchase some contemporary finished pearl jewellery for my business.

Can anyone recommend to me the best places for her to find some new and exciting jewellery at a good price??
Pearls from China

Pearls from China

I am a Canadian, living in the Philippings, travelling monthly to Shanziahu ("Pearl City") in Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province. I purchase pearls in large quantities there, directly in the marketplace, for my online pearl wholesale business. I have dabbled in finished jewelry (there is plenty to be found there!), but have postponed getting involved because I am kept so busy with wholesaling the pearls themselves. But I deal with parties in Zhuji that I totally trust. That's vital. If you don't have a trusted liaison (who is good in English - essential!), forget it. NOBODY speaks English there, except a few folks including my guy. Shanziahu is PEARL CITY. Perhaps I can put you in touch with trusted sources. Your dealings would be between you and them, no guarantees, but I can help set up the relationship if you want. No commission expected!
Where is Shanziahu? Is that just another spelling of Shanxiahu? If no one speaks English is is possible to really buy there?
It would be the same place, I am sure. There are very few sellers that speak English there. Most of the factories or factory rep stalls will have 1 or 2 token young ladies that know a few English words, but be prepared to negotiate with a calculator and a lot of sign language!


Sorry, I was typing wrongly... it IS Shanxiahu, not Shanziahu. Jeremy is right. Most of the vendors speak only one English word - "Hello!" And you have to be good at "calculator talk". Realistically, it's exciting but you DO need a translator/liaison. That can be arranged, if you're intrepid enough to travel all the way there.
Sigh.. I truly will scrounge up the cash to go to China one of these years. Right now I have 3 little girls 1, 4, 8 and a full time business to run so that's not going to right away. I do need decent fwp though and it seems to be harder and harder.

Does anyone know Zhejiang Tear Of Angel Pearl Co., or ZHUJI LOVELY PEARLS CO,.LTD or ZHANGZHEKE PEARLS CO. Do you have any good, bad, ugly experiences?

It is that finding a company and buying via fax, phone, online is impossible. Or, is it that even IF i find a good company I'll be paying through the teeth because we've not establish any relationship?. Or both?

Really, what is the perception out there of someone like me. A small jewellery design company from Canada... I can just imagine:confused:
Fax, phone, online... very near impossible. It is impossible to negotiate this way because you have no product between you. Unfortunately even if one does work out for you, consistency is way lacking over there.

The only one of the three I would recommend staying away from for sure is Tear of Angel. From my experience they charge an HK premium on their pieces even though they are based in China. I think it is to pay for the 10 story, marbled-floor office building they just built. When I was there I only say one office in use... go figure... the building probably have 200 or more.