pearl guide updates*


Aug 12, 2004
Just a note to that we will be doing some updates over the next few days. The may be offline for short periods and things may look a little strange as we progress through the update but we should be up and running smoothly by Monday.

Also I'll be making some changes to increase the speed of the forum, let me know if you notice any difference.
You guys have not seen much of me over the last couple of months. You will see why when we finish the update;)

Next week we are going to launch the world's most comprehensive pearl glossary as well! It will be here on PG!
Yipee! I can hardly wait!!

Congratulations on a long, hard haul- I am so glad it is nearing the end (which like Archimedes(?) formula, will probably never quite be finished.......
Geez, although I'm not widely experienced with on-line forums (this is the exception), this forum is already so friendly and easy to use in comparison with my other limited experience. Look forward to the new features, and to getting Jeremy back in the fray?
The forum itself will not necessarily change. Features will be added soon that will enhance the forum, but most of the work was on the main part of this Web site. Over the last two months I rewrote every article and created a new linking structure to help readers find related topics and forum threads. The glossary, which is in an editor's hands until next week, is 26 pages of terms and definitions that total about 8000 words. That was the hardest part.
This just expose you all to my colloquialism.

Seriously, an 8,000 word well-indexed pearl glossary?! That's excellent stuff and it's so good of you to get out into the public realm.

Thank you, all, for your hard work!
8000 words including the definitions! I don't think I could ever come up with 8000 terms;) I did not count, but I believe there are about 700 terms. I needed to outdo CIBJO's 219!
8000 words including the definitions! I don't think I could ever come up with 8000 terms;) I did not count, but I believe there are about 700 terms. I needed to outdo CIBJO's 219!

Sounds like you've surpassed by quite a margin!
You guys seem to thrive on hard work like kids thrive on candy. The things you come up with are awesome! I can't wait.

barbie biggs

If it wasn't for this forum, the only thing I might ever have known about pearls is that I love them.
Thank you very much for all of your financial help and administration work which makes this forum possible.
Just a note to that we will be doing some updates over the next few days. The may be offline for short periods and things may look a little strange as we progress through the update but we should be up and running smoothly by Monday.

A deliberate down? OH MY! We go gaa gaa e-mailing each other if the internet drops the site for 2 seconds! Can you get on? Can you get on? (Can you hear me now?) LOL

Well, don't say I didn't warn you, but you can expect a huge POWER SURGE when you do get back on! Good luck and thanks!

Jeremy, should I wait for the glossary to do the crossword puzzle? Or was that your intent all along -- (gotta give her something to occupy her so-called mind when we go down!)
8000 words including the definitions! I don't think I could ever come up with 8000 terms;) I did not count, but I believe there are about 700 terms. I needed to outdo CIBJO's 219!

And I have to go out to buy myself a lot of copying paper and possibly a new toner cassette as well, LOL.

Seriously though thanks to you all who have worked and are working still with this site! It is great.:)
Congratulations to ll person who work at the backstage. These forum is amazing, and is going better every day with the participation of everyone.
Thanks a lot

Things are coming along but we still have a ways to go, what you are seing now is not the final product.
Hi Ricardo
Do you have any updates? We'd love to hear from you.

EDIT: This time I see the articles on the left are different. Whoopie!
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This looks great! Thank you so much guys for all your hard work and dedication to this forum!!!