Pearl Farm in the Sea of Cortez

  • Thread starter Thread starter dmclaren
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Holy smokes - look at those colors! Thanks for sharing the update and photos. These look like they will be fantastic.
Very pretty! Thanks for sharing!
Gorgeous colours. Thanks for the pics. Can't wait to see more....
Go Douglas! Those are awesome! Makes me want to hop in my car and drive down there...;)
At these gas prices? Hike! You can buy more pearls that way! Doug, gorgeous, just gorgeous.
I just can't stop staring at these beauties. I can only imagine what they must look like in person.

Hi Douglas,

Good to have you check in with such good news.

Don't anybody go down there without ME!! How long does harvest last? Those pearls are fabulous as usual. Please post more photos when you can. I will settle for those pretty pinky pastelly ones in the cup; they look luscious.

so many pearls, so little time
Hi Doug - congratulations on your news. Those pearls sure are pretty, and I'm with Pattye - the pinkish ones are just heaven! More photos when you're done, please!!

Knotty - please don't change your name - you are right, it doesn't sound quite the same!
Congratulations Doug!

I'm very happy for you and for all of us............;)
I just wish I could see them in person ... never going to happen, and never going to afford retail ...
It?s such a shame sometimes that I live in Sweden... Ever thought of opening a webshop? It?s quite hard for people that don?t live in U.S/Mexico to buy your pearls... Although I guess that it might not be of interest to open a webshop because the harvests are still small (They are, right? I`m not saying anything stupid I hope?) because there wouldn?t be pearls enough?
Pattye and Nerida - you may have the pinkish pearls - I will sit quietly in the corner obsessing over that blue one!!

They are all beautiful, Douglas!! Thank you so much for sharing and congratulations on such a wonderful harvest :D
It is hard not to obsess, don't you think?

BTW Douglas, I love the webshop idea...
GORGEOUS pearls, Douglas. Owning several of your beauties myself (including one relative "monster" from last year's harvest), I'd LOVE to get my paws on your latest crop - the colors are hypnotic.

Is there any decent scuba diving near Guaymas? I haven't been down to that part of Mexico since I was a kid. Would be nice to try to justify a trip from multiple angles...

Absent the ability to personally fondle the beauties, have you ever thought of the idea of a "private offer list"? If so, may I be number one please please please?

Thank You ALL for your Support. I am more than happy to share my photos and stories with ALL OF YOU. Harvest will probably be over in 2 more weeks at the present rate of Harvest. This is just a very brief period of extreme (someone once said "******ic") pleasure in the normal duties and activities of Pearl Farming. It is my honor and duty to share this pleasure with all.
Have some of today's winners: a Round 12mm dark violet (aubergine) flawless beauty, a Drop-Dead-Gorgeous 10mm Drop shaped Rainbow Colored Pearl (have no other way of describing its colors), and some other assorted colors...pistachios, golden, lavender-pinks, cream, mauv?, etc...
Remember, these pearls were alive their host oysters just this morning...they never had a chance for processing. So, please forgive their "RAW BEAUTY". Also, had no time for fancy photos...just took them inside my office and cropped them: no Photoshoping either.

For those of you that would like to visit us in Guaymas...remember one thing: Gasoline prices in Mexico are 50% less of what you would pay in the USA. So drive down, save some bucks and spend them here ;)

Scuba Diving in this area is very nice, specially if you like hammerhead sharks and diving with sea lions: try Isla San Pedro Nolasco. Hope to see some of you here :D Also, our local food is not your usual Mexican Food...our steaks and seafood platters are famous in Mexico, but few people have actually enjoyed some of our tantalizing stuffed "Toritos" (not to be confused with corn chips or "Doritos" :mad: ), our our incredible seafood cocktails such as the "Agasajo" (losely translated into "Fondle") and the "Maleficio" (lets call it "Vodoo").

Hopefully I will be around the forum next week with more photos...I have got to go back to work. Hope you enjoy these.


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Ay ay ayyy....forgot the round biggie!:o


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I am nearly speachless at the pink-blue-aubergine-pistachio-iridescent wonder of these pearls. These are truly amazing and nearly supernatural work! I love the raw beauty. Now you're making me think about coming to Mexico.